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Friday, April 17, 2020

Schumer, AOC Seek Federal Funds for NYers Funeral Costs: ‘Systemic Racism’ in U.S.

Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) called on Congress Tuesday to appropriate federal funds to help pay for the funerals of New Yorkers who died from the coronavirus.

The Democrats wrote a letter to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Administrator Pete Gaynor asking him to approve activation of the Individuals and Households Program (IHP), which provides access to the Disaster Funeral Assistance Program.

The letter included the newly updated number of deaths in the state, re-calculated to add deaths “presumed” [but not verified by testing] to be coronavirus:

“As the tragic number of deaths from COVID-19 continues to rise in New York, individuals who are facing incredible loss are also being saddled with an additional financial burden,” Ocasio-Cortez and Schumer wrote.

The Hill reported on the letter and Ocasio-Cortez’s remarks about racism in a tweet posted by the Washington media outlet:

“We know that these mortality rates are doubling and that they’re higher due to the underlying effects and underlying systemic inequalities and systemic racism that we have,” Ocasio-Cortez said.

More here


  1. Good Lord Have Mercy, they NEVER stop. Damn.

  2. Have New Yorkers ever heard of life insurance?

  3. Hell NO !!! Then pay for My family's funerals then !!!

  4. NY can use their multi million dollars they have hid in a slush fund. I have to pay for my funeral and they can do they same. If this gets done then the Democrats will have to allow at least 4 dependents for me to take on this years income tax returns when I file them next year. They will be my dependents since I have to furnish them benefits.

    1. Dont participate in the census md already has 3 illegals rf every legal. Count me out in protest

  5. Who would have paid for it if they died of some other cause?

  6. AOC's entire platform is about other people paying for things. What she needs is a couple of years in the military, just to give her a new perspective on who owes whom for what.

  7. She directed 1 million in campaign donations to be distributed in 4 separate LLCs in Delaware. Cortez stated it’s not illegal nor wrong. Nothing is said.

  8. Why do they need money for funerals - they were burying them in mass graves in trenches in the parks last week.

  9. Just put them in the mass grave there !!!

  10. Northwest Woodsman: I was just thinking; if this is such an awful, racist country that all of these blacks, Hispanics and other minorities continually complain about, let’s set up a program similar to that which Abraham Lincoln supported, and repatriation them all back to their country of origin, including country of origin of their parents. Mind you, I’m only talking about the ones who continually complain all the while taking advantage of the privileges and benefits this country offers. If they are here, love and support the country and are good citizens, they should be allowed to stay on a probationary status.

  11. Let's hope AOC falls flat on her face for re-election. I'm sure that won't happen because she has the media wrapped around her little finger😝


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