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Friday, April 17, 2020

Reported U.S. coronavirus deaths reach record 4,591 in 24 hours

The number of reported deaths in the U.S. from the new coronavirus spiked to nearly double the prior record Thursday, as governors extended their lockdown orders, and the Trump administration released new federal guidelines to reopen the economy.

In the 24 hours ending at 8 p.m. Eastern time Thursday, 4,591 people were reported to have died from Covid-19, according to a Wall Street Journal analysis of data from Johns Hopkins University. The prior record was 2,569 on Wednesday....



  1. I get Trumps motivations to try and make folks hopeful with "reopen the economy", plus his own financial motivations. We are nowhere near ready to open anything.

    This virus is just starting... we've slowed the spread... opening up now will just be devastating. It's a fools errand.

    It's still too early.

    1. Apparently you are not following the politics of this virus. Everyday NY comes out with different figures in deaths etc and the numbers don't add up. Where are you getting your data to make such a statement?

  2. That is because all of these states are changing their criteria for what is considered a death by Corona. This government takedown is getting out of hand. It is getting close to the point that we the people need to take a stand

    1. 8:19 - 100% correct

    2. Ditto numbers are being manipulated

    3. I'm for the protest. You can have an abortion but can't buy seeds for your garden.

  3. Thats because if you commit suicide or die from cancer, they now count it as Covid. Every death is a Covid death now. You can't even look at deaths as an indicator any more because its all lies. Look at the ILI hospitalizations. That is the more accurate metric now.

  4. Died WITH Coronavirus
    Died FROM Coronavirus

    Big difference

  5. A recent examination of the dead showed that over 70% of them were Democrats, so maybe God is clearing a path for reelection of our God chosin President?

    1. Oh bad - however, Democrats deserve it.

  6. Easy there funnyman..1047

  7. Yet , we going back to work & school soon if Govt gets it's way !!! Dugh

  8. Yes, Now the kids can all go back to school , less than 5,000 Dead !! Dugh

  9. Northwest Woodsman: Have a cold with a cough as well as a bunch of pre-existing medical issues that could already kill you and you automatically will recorded as a corona virus death. Then you will be another virus statistic promoted by the media to further the destruction of our economy and ultimately our country. All for Pedomarxist democrats and their cultural Marxist plan to destroy us just for them and their allies to gain unlimited power. We all know who is behind this and President Trump is the only obstacle at this point. Thank god for his strong leadership.


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