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Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Preschoolers Should Avoid Screen Time Of Any Kind, Study Suggests

With millions of children stuck at home during the coronavirus outbreak, digital learning has become the new normal. Although televisions and mobile devices might help students pass the time off from class, new research says parents should be keeping screens away from their toddlers.

According to researchers at the University of California, Davis, children who are exposed to screen media at an early age have a harder time controlling their behavior. Amanda C. Lawrence, the study’s lead author, says using screen media devices too early results in a lower ability to self-regulate.

More than 50 children, between 32 and 47 months-old, were observed during the two-and-a-half-year study. Preschoolers who started using devices early on struggled with the skills needed to plan and monitor their thoughts and feelings. The researchers add self-regulating skills can predict academic success, physical and mental health, and even in criminal behavior later in life.



  1. Dear readers,

    For any parents who have young children, I would like to share that the single best academic activity you can do with your children is to read to them and have them read to you. 20-30 minutes twice a day (say before a nap and before bed) would do far more than any other academic activity.

    Kind Regards,


  2. I agree Paladin, it also calms them and they get to share the one on one time with you. Unfortunately, we are stuck doing the online assignments and it is difficult because they need to be completed to earn credit. I am still reading but we are running out of books (we can't go to the library)

    I can't wait until this is past us !

    1. If you have a library card then you can access the digital library. Just go the the library website.

  3. LOL ------ Too late for that ----- parents are using cell phones and tablets as babysitters for infants and toddlers!

  4. HA - i have kids home from college (NOT SU either). You know what I do each night? Read good stories from the local paper. I know I know whats a local paper and I also know the local papers are slanted - yet I do find good stories. Been doing that since they were kids and continue to do it today when they are home. Heck, I've even found good stories online and email them. They laugh, but you know what - I think it helped and still helps.

    Just hope I'm around long enough to be able to do it with the grandkids. Time will only tell.

    Reading has/is/always will be a great thing!!!!

  5. Yes screen time will dumb them down to the point of supporting a dementia brain addled idiot for president!

  6. Thank you 5:57 I didn't know that, I will give it a try !

  7. I wish these nice little electronic baby sitters had been available when my kids were barely more than infants. It sure would have save me a lot of steps and work. No wonder they can operate a smart phone and computer by the time they are 2 or 3.


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