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Saturday, April 04, 2020

Po Po Ain't Playing Games In Delaware: STAY HOME!

BEWARE: Delaware Law Enforcement is not messing around. Don’t go into Delaware with Maryland tags even if for business and picking up special orders from Lowes. The whole BJ’s Lowes parking lot is swarming with enforcement. They are nowgetting the word out now with “ State of Emergency Violations” but will soon be giving out misdemeanors.


  1. WHY isn't MD doing this Hogan ???? I don't see MARYLAND STATE POLICE I don't even see them on the FN Streets ?

  2. You mean that you can't shop for groceries at BJ's? This is ridiculous!

    1. Not if you have MD tags. Poor Delmar!

  3. When is Maryland going to start enforcing this and what about the nonessential businesses still operating under the radar?

  4. I really wish you would post some good news Joe. Our country is regressing to an anarchist state and it's depressing.

  5. Should be the same here in Maryland

  6. Would someone with a profession background please inform as to whether a Maryland contractor may perform residential repairs in Delaware? Both states consider construction “essential”.

    1. Yes. Google “Delaware Emergency Order”. It spells it out completely

  7. What those Delaware people coming into Maryland? This is probably one of the most ridiculous things I have heard! Wonder if they are set up at the Delaware Memorial Bridge? No it’s easier to target communities that are less than 2 miles apart. In real!

  8. Delmar's gonna be lit!

  9. What about in Delmar?

  10. So what is the violation? I can't see what the violation or fine is?

    1. It is a warning. No fine. Much ado about nothing.

    2. Shawty Sherrif LewisApril 4, 2020 at 7:30 PM

      5,000 dollars

  11. Let's keep the DE scum out of MD.

  12. I am not allowed to visit my Mom in Bethany to see how she is doing, run some errands for her, etc... Without getting a ticket?

  13. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  14. They better stay the hell out of Maryland then too !!! Cops too !!!

  15. @5:49 you can keep your tax avoiding a** out of Delaware then. No sales tax!!!!! Keep your 6% plus new Kirwan tax.......

  16. Restricting our ability to travel within the United States is a violation of the US Constitution

  17. I am from Md and went to the Amish market behind Johnny Janosik today and wasn't bothered by the Delaware police . What I am seeing in this comment section is scary. We are all Americans and free to move anywhere we want --STOP FEEDING INTO THIS HYSTERIA !!!! This isn't Nazi Germany, Red China or The Soviet Union!This is the USA--proud and free-we have a Constitution

  18. Can always go to court and speak your peace to the judge. Just because you get a ticket or arrested does not mean you are guilty of anything.

  19. So I have to park in RiteAids lot and walk over to Delmar Pizza to get a pizza to go? What kind of BS is that?

  20. What about illegals? Double fine?

    1. They get a free ride, our laws don't apply to them but they are granted more rights than me!

  21. Hallelujah! I'm essential personnel and had to use my badge to check out at Lowe's for PRMC items to get out of the store instead of waiting 30 minutes. The project was definitely essential for patients. The order was an online order (already pulled and looking at it) and still was going to have to wait at least 30 min.

    Please stay home to make our jobs easier!

  22. Its a warning with no penalty. They are trying to SCARE-out-of-staters away.

  23. They can hand out all the warnings they want to non-residents, but they can not legally punish someone for coming into the state from another state. Just can't do it. But it's not going to stop them from making you think they can do it. The Governors are becoming obsessed with their new found emergency powers. They are the new Mini-me dictators. Many will try and see how long they can rule as a dictator, with no oversight, long after the crisis has passed; especially the Democrat ones.

  24. 10:43 Yes they can. It's called "State of Emergency."

  25. Keep Del OUT of my Maryland too !!!!


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