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Thursday, April 30, 2020

Planned Parenthood, NARAL, Emily’s List REFUSE To Comment On Biden Allegations

Womens groups that came out in force to support Dr. Christine Blasey Ford in leveling her unsubstantiated sexual assault allegations against then-Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, are nowhere to be seen now that a sexual assault allegation has been leveled at former Vice President — and presumptive 2020 Democratic presidential nominee — Joe Biden.

The Daily Beast attempted to contact 10 women’s rights organizations, including Planned Parenthood, NARAL, Emily’s List, the National Organization for Women, and others to get their comments on Tara Reade’s claim that Joe Biden sexually assaulted her while she worked as an aide in his Senate office in the early 1990s. Reade made the claim several years ago and repeated it on a progressive podcast earlier in April.

Reade has little to prove her allegations, but does have some evidence that she gave contemporaneous accounts of the attack to her brother, coworker, and neighbor, all of whom seem to substantiate Reade’s story.



  1. Complete hypocrisy. Shameful. Let the light of truth shine on these roaches and watch them scurry for the shadows.

  2. Vote Trump 2020.....so he can investigateMay 1, 2020 at 5:52 AM

    We are at war folks

    President Trump exposed them all

  3. This will still follow him all through the campaign. What a brave women. To be a democrat and have the courage to bring this allegation up against Biden is truly remarkable.


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