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Saturday, April 25, 2020

Pelosi Pushes Cheat-by-Mail: ‘Every Person Registered to Vote Should Receive a Ballot’

Friday on MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell Reports, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) said “much more than” the initial $400 million for a vote-by-mail initiative will be included in the next coronavirus stimulus bill to enable “every person registered to vote” to receive a ballot at home.

When asked about President Donald Trump not favoring bailout funding for the post office, Pelosi said, “The post office has over 90 percent favorability among the American people. They depend on the post office as a public institution. Seniors now are getting — they have always been getting their medicine by mail for a long time now and now even more urgently...

“Let me tell you another reason he might be against it. We have to save the lives and livelihood of the American people. We also have to save our liberty, the life of our democracy. Voting by mail is central to this in any event, but at the time of the coronavirus, very essential. We had $400 million in CARES one. We have to have much more than that in CARES two so people can vote by mail.”



  1. Delay the vote until in-person voting is a allowed.

  2. Desperation, getting down to last gasps.

  3. If you can go to the grocery store and hoard toilet paper, you can go to the polls and vote.

  4. If we can go to the store and maintain a safe distance wearing face masks then we can enter a voting facility the same way!

  5. Even though "thousands" have died, they want to send out ballots to those they think are still alive... So the dead can vote. Unacceptable. If you cannot show ID, you shouldn't vote.

  6. Yes , Like 2016 with Hillary > invite Illegals to VOTE !!!! Dems need it !!!

  7. Dems count Tombstones too !!! Like in 2016 !!!


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