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Friday, April 10, 2020

On Mask Shortage, CBS IGNORES That Obama Depleted Supply and Never Restocked

In reporting on America facing a critical shortage of N95 masks during this global pandemic, wouldn’t it make sense to look at how that happened and why America is in this position? Not according to CBS. On Wednesday,CBS This Morning’s Dr. Jon LaPook somehow ignored the fact that Barack Obama depleted the supply of masks and never restocked. You’ll never guess who does get mentioned for blame. (Well, you probably will: Donald Trump.)

Co-host Tony Dokoupil introduced, “A Department of Health and Human Services report this week echoes urgent calls from hospitals for more supplies. One administrator cited a three to six-month delay for essential items, including those critical N95 face masks.” LaPook passively explained that the supply “is almost depleted” without going into how that happened:

A Department of Homeland Security official told CBS News the strategic national stockpile of protective gear is almost depleted. Last week, President Trump invoked the Defense Production Act ordering private companies to help manufacture ventilators and N95 face masks.



  1. Go to love the political scapegoats and blame shifting. Leadership is about taking responsibility folks. As in, elected officials listening to intelligence and health officials who knew something crazy was going in back in November in China, all the forewarning of how an outbreak in another country is bound to cause havoc in the US, and then taking responsible action to prepare beforehand. Do you people really think its so hard for a real leader armed with all the info we had already in Nov and Dec, to say "hey guys, lets make a big order for PPE just in case" prior to or just after the new year???? If this doesn't seem logical to you, then you obviously have a pretty low standard of leadership.

  2. Mainstream Media ignored every mistake, illegal act, or controversy that was part of Obama's administration, if they did a story on any of it, they were called "Racists".

    I personally believe this is why Senile Biden wants a black woman VP, to cover his ass and no one dare make fun of his gaffs or he can cry "Racist" about his administration. {if people are retarded enough to even elect this fool}

  3. Obama deleted this country of anything good.

  4. The Government is not the only place that was not stockpiled. The hospitals have responsability also. They are a hospital they should have been prepared. Hospitals run on profit and not the welfare of people.

  5. Obama had to do this things for his Socialist agenda. Obama did nothing for Democracy. Obama was head strong on the US being govern by the UN and "THE NEW WORLD ORDER". Obama was and still is hell bent on destroying the US and our democracy. Obama has reached the "elite" plateau and could care less about every one he thinks is below him as long as he can take their money.

  6. Feds didn't do their replenishment, but the states also share a responsibility too. When something important as this (replenishment or preparing for...) and its always pushed down the list of wants/needs in Annapolis or other states capitals for other pet projects - well.......

  7. Obama gave them all to Iran along with the Plane-load of cash $$$$$$$$


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