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Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Ohio man dies from coronavirus after online posts calling it 'Bulls---' and 'Political Ploy'

An Ohio father of two children died from the coronavirus last week after previously claiming the outbreak was "Bulls---" and a "Political Ploy," according to reports.

John McDaniel, 60, of Marion County, died April 15 at a hospital in Columbus, according to the Marion Star.

He had made several posts about the coronavirus on Facebook last month before testing positive for the virus.

“Does Anybody Have the Guts to Say This COVID-19 is a Political Ploy? Asking for a Friend. Prove Me Wrong,” he wrote March 13, according to The Sun.



  1. fake news! The virus is fake...Trump 2020!!!

  2. Well, I guess he got proven wrong. Sad really.

  3. Laughable!!! this man did not die from corona virus, he died and they tested him and said he was positive and claimed he died from the virus, AGAIN ON LIVE NATIONAL TV THE LADY WHO STANDS BESIDE TRUMP DOING THE HEALTH CRAP SAID THEY ARE DOING THIS AND WOULD CONTINUE!!! IT SAYS IT ON THE CDC's OWN WEBSITE TOO but I guess that is fake and a conspiracy right???

    So keep on pushing fake news JOE!!!!

    You morons fail to realize if this is real, everyone is going to get it, not just now but later, pandemics always have a minimum of two rounds and while all of you morons are self quarantining and staying home, your are not getting the so called virus, but when things open back up you will!!!!!!

    Also JOE maybe you should check out the news since that is the biz you are in where they are now saying they have to close hospitals becasue they are losing money because they are empty!!!!

    NO one argues this virus is not real-per-say they argue it is not worth giving up liberties for it, since you didn't for flu, TB, H1N1, swine flu, bird flu, EBOLA, and every other virus... Also that the numbers of how many people died and are sick are fake!!!!!

    Oh and if any of you morons bothered to look, the CDC themselves finally ADMIT they had TAINTED TEST THAT HAD THE VIRUS ON THEM AND THAT IS HOW MOST PEOPLE GOT THE VIRUS!!!!

  4. I have said the same thing and as a 64 rear old if I get it and it kills me, oh well, and yes I mean that!

    The odds are highly in my favor that it wont happen.

    For some reason, nobody realizes that each and every one of us ain't gonna make it out of here alive.

    And don't give me that my selfishness is gonna hurt some body else BS. You stay home and you loose your house or business.

    What about YOUR selfishness of killing off many more businesses and in the end people than the virus will from loosing everything just to (TRY) to maybe save your ass.

  5. Well, heaven needs naysayers too!

  6. This is great! I hope trumpsters keep going out and defying basic science...just keep proving Darwin correct =)

    1. Umm the fact you resort to name calling just shows how brain dead you are.

      Science is your end all, eh? I bet you don’t feel the same about whether a person with a “Y” chromosome is male.

      Nah, you’re one of those genius democrats who’s too smart by half. There ya go, some simple mathematics for you to chew on too.

  7. I’m with 2:57. Looks like we’re in for a round of natural selection..

  8. Turns out he was a closeted Homo and in such denial he never took treatment

  9. Northwest Woodsman: Ok, let’s get to the bottom of this sad story, but first let me know about what per-existing health problems this man already had. I have read from several reports that over 85% had pre-existing issues that caused their death.

  10. April 22, 2020 at 7:47 PM:

    Having pre-existing conditions (comorbidities) do not cause their deaths. People with comorbidities are often doing just fine with medications to keep their conditions under control. It is the virus that kills them, not their pre-existing conditions. They were surviving just fine and living long lives until the virus caused their deaths. The pre-existing issues did not "cause" their deaths. Getting the virus "caused" their deaths.

  11. @ April 22, 2020 at 1:52 PM

    None of those diseases you listed killed over 45 thousand Americans in less than a months time. Oh yea, BTW that's while people have been distancing and isolating.

    This is not fake news.

    We are doing this so as not to overwhelm the health care system, so that if you or a loved one need a hospital be you can have one.

    It's not about YOU. Your liberties don't get preference over everyone else. Your liberty to swing your fist ends where my nose begins. By not participating in these life saving tactics, you are endangering other peoples liberties. That is why we all are doing our part now.

  12. April 22, 2020 at 7:47 PM:

    Still having problems with that cause and effect thing, I see. He, and the others dying with the virus, weren't dying before they contracted the virus. How is it you say they were killed by their controlled diseases, that were not lethal, and not the virus that suffocated them to death? Try connecting the dots.


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