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Tuesday, April 07, 2020

Ohio lawmaker says she'll press crimes against humanity charge against Trump over hydroxychloroquine promotion

Ohio state Rep. Tavia Galonski (D) said that she will make a “referral for crimes against humanity” over President Trump’s promotion of the antimalarial drug hydroxychloroquine as a treatment for the novel coronavirus, despite its unproven benefits and lack of long-term Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval.

“I can’t take it anymore. I’ve been to The Hague. I’m making a referral for crimes against humanity tomorrow,” Galonski tweeted late Sunday.

“Today’s press conference was the last straw," Galonski added. "I know the need for a prosecution referral when I see one.”



  1. Not before we have a civil war B... H.

  2. Go back to your basement Galonski!!

  3. Thats because the DEMONCRAPS - dont want the help people. They only want to take over the election. They don't give a rats a## about anyone but themselves... Best thing USA could do is send every flipping liberal / demoncrap to another country.

  4. Another snowflake melting. Nothing to see here. Move along. Move along...

  5. Did she say unproven? Get your head out of the sand galonski!

  6. I guess she's smarter than Dr Mehmet Oz and a host of doctors.

  7. SO simple:
    Ask her that if she were on her deathbed with no possible means of living another day, would she take this drug if offered by her doctor?
    Case freakin' closed!

  8. Meh. It's another "Look at me!" moment.

  9. If she were sick and the pill was the only hope would she take it?

  10. Of course, this Liberal Moron with the Polish name is Trump hating African American.

  11. I've got a cousin that thinks Trump is trying to get rich off this drug because the Huffington Post had a story yesterday saying he had a small interest in the company and I'm sure Trump doesn't even know that.

    She posted the article and captioned it with something stupid like "Surprise, Surprise."

    I was so glad all the comments supported Trump and put her in her place.


  12. Emory grad. Vying to elbow Mad Maxine and SJL from Houston out of brain dead pinnacle.

    Here's the Wiki quote: In 2020, she said that President Donald Trump should be tried for crimes against humanity in The Hague, which is the site of the International Criminal Court (ICC), for recommending the use of hydroxychloroquine as a treatment for COVID-19. This is a political stunt, since the US is not a member of the ICC.

  13. I think many of you are looking at this wrong: she should encourage the lefties to not take HCQ. 1. It leaves more for the rest of us and 2. get rid of lefties as they croak.

  14. Hydroxychloroquine has proven to be very safe to take (for about 50 years). So it may or may not work to fight Coronavirus. It is no less safe than a multivitamin but it has the potential to save lives if it does work.
    President Trump is correct (AGAIN).


  15. She's a Biden supporter. Guess she's auditioning for either the VP ticket slot or the Supreme Court seat. She had couple years as a Magistrate so combined with her birth demographics RBG could retire.

    Her PR ploy with The Hague is about as useful as asking Montana to revoke Biden's Delaware driver license.

    U of Akron has a good engineering school; Law School, not so much.

  16. Democrats are IRRELEVANT 2020 !!! LOL LOL

  17. Anonymous said...

    Emory grad. Vying to elbow Mad Maxine and SJL from Houston out of brain dead pinnacle.

    Here's the Wiki quote: In 2020, she said that President Donald Trump should be tried for crimes against humanity in The Hague, which is the site of the International Criminal Court (ICC), for recommending the use of hydroxychloroquine as a treatment for COVID-19. This is a political stunt, since the US is not a member of the ICC.

    April 8, 2020 at 12:32 AM

    It was interesting to read the Twitter comments from the responses to her tweets. If I wasn't a respected person in the state I would go off on those idiots. They are going to force me to start an anonymous Twitter account like most of those are.

  18. I guess that racist dirtbag missed the next story.


  19. Looks like SKI might be a scumbag!


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