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Monday, April 06, 2020

Ocean City Summer Of 2020?


  1. forgot the windmills.

  2. Where's the wind farms?

  3. There’s gonna be a SERIOUS thinning of the business world which needed to be done. I’ve already heard there will also be consolidating like you’ve never seen. The strong will not only survive, they will buy up at depression pricing the wanna be hotel and bar owners that have migrated for years. It’s gonna be interesting for sure!

  4. Wind farm is behind "you", in front of the "kid".

  5. Maybe locals will be able to actually go there.

  6. How about just canceling Ocean City Beach vacations this year. Give us locals some breathing time for a change.

    1. So I'm not sure what you do for a living. But there are thousands of families that rely on the tourist industry. If you'd like some breathing room move to the Dakotas or Alaska

  7. Replies
    1. Weather control ... hahahaha lol

  8. 11:43. Low IQ comment.

  9. Ocean City is so "yesterday" no one wants to go to a place their grandparents talk about. It's as bad an idea as going to Niagara Falls for a Honeymoon. It is too old fashioned and boring. Ocean City needs to just close down or reinvent itself with cheaper pricing and better entertainment including some adult entertainment like there is in Myrtle Beach. They have incorporated many different types of entertainment to appeal to all people.

  10. 2:02pm, not low IQ at all. You go right ahead and vacation away in nasty city.

  11. I don't see why anyone wants to go to Ocean City! Prices are rediculous , crowds are ignorant and rude. It's all about money down there. If you ain't loaded, why go? There would be nothing to do if you can't spend, spend, spend.

  12. Summer Shut down 2020 you mean !!! There won't be OC this year !!

  13. Send the bikini babes to my house this summer !!! They can Tan in my
    Backyard !! FREE


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