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Monday, April 06, 2020

NYC Is Preparing For Civil unrest As Supplies Dwindle, Government Calls For Conscription Of Doctors


  1. When leaders of a city and state spend all their time on new genders (32 of them in ny) billion dollar solar projects, 59 lawsuits on the whites house, running for President, proper pronouns, sanctuary city and driver license to illegals instead of preparing for a pandemic this is what happens. NYC was warned and they ignored it.

  2. NYC has pretended forever that it's prepared for anything, when the only preparedness it consistently exhibits is the ability to whine about and clean up after things for which it was unprepared.

  3. Lol keep letting the criminals out a unarmed state EXCEPT FOR CRIMINALS.

  4. As long as they keep their civil unrest there and don't bring it here. Where I live, people won't put up with it. I'm pretty sure i heard every caliber this weekend. MHO

  5. They Kill over Toilet paper 2020 !!!!

  6. Northwest Woodsman: Civil unrest is exactly what I alluded to in a post I submitted on 28 March. A comment on my post by some fence straddling Pedomarxist liberal stated that I had cabin fever and lived in a fantasy. As I recall it was 3:12 on 28 March that made that comment. Looks like wise citizens are preparing for exactly what I predicted. Eat crow 3:12!

  7. NY MOB will again Rule !!!


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