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Thursday, April 02, 2020

NYC doctor who survived Ebola: People are dying from coronavirus 'because we weren't prepared'

American citizens are dying from coronavirus because the United States was not prepared to handle the scale of the pandemic, Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center Dr. Craig Spencer said Wednesday.

In an interview on "America's Newsroom" with host Ed Henry, Spencer -- who was the first Ebolapatient in New York City during the outbreak -- said that a lot of the lessons learned surrounding fighting the Ebola virus just six years ago seem to have been forgotten.

"What I think has happened is that it's left us all vulnerable to a pandemic like coronavirus. And, what we're seeing on the front lines, it's dire and it really amplifies the lack of preparation," he stated. "People, unfortunately, are dying because we weren't prepared and I just want to share the message that we're seeing this here in New York City."

"This is going to roll across the United States and everyone still has more time to prepare than we did," Spencer asserted.

In addition, Spencer noted that his time spent working in the middle of an East African civil war feels "quite similar" to the havoc, chaos, and mental anxiety of this virus' impact in New York.



  1. That's what happens when you dismantle a pandemic team and get rid of situational trainings. Stupid people who think they are smart do maximum damage and unfortunately it is costing thousands of lives

  2. Let it be a learning experience.

  3. I just read how China is sending mask to the U.S. for this virus. Considering where this virus came from that sounds awful scary to me. If the Democrats had not sold their souls to China we would not be depending on them so much for medicine. Medicine should be made in the U.S. Now we have a shortage of antibiotics.

  4. It didn't need to be a learning experience. It could have and should have been handled proactively with experts not by people sitting on their hands who need to be spoon fed the basics of epidemiology.

  5. Learn from this one & in the Future BE PREPARED next time !!!! esp Govt

  6. And yet, what did the good doctor do to put together programs in NY to be prepared? The CDC wasn't prepared. FEMA wasn't prepared. For all of their advance "what if" planning, it does not appear that the military was prepared. And none of the state's were prepared.
    So, why would anyone be surprised that our Government wasn't prepared? And this isn't really a worst case scenario, is it?

  7. Steve Bannon specifically stated that it was their mission to "dismantle the federal government " Results speak for themselves

  8. No, we were too busy trying to impeach the President!


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