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Friday, April 10, 2020

NY County Finds Trump Delivered Not Only 200k Masks He Promised but 50k Extra in Just 2 Days

In New York’s Suffolk County, officials now have 251,200 protective masks for their stockpile — 51,200 more than were promised to the Long Island jurisdiction by President Donald Trump.

The delivery comes after GOP New York Rep. Lee Zeldin and Suffolk County Executive Steve Bellone looked for “urgent” assistance from the federal government in what’s quickly becoming one of the New York City-area hotspots for coronavirus infections, Patch.com reported.

The county’s stockpile was out of a lot of quite a bit of personal protective equipment, including surgical masks, N95 masks, face shields, gowns and body bags.



  1. Orange Man's predecessor bad.

  2. Predecessor doesn't matter. How about proper management at the state levels? Feds come in after the state has exhausted all efforts, thats what and how are laws were written.

    If thats a problem, then laws need to be changed and ratified at the Federal level. Therein lies the problem - CONgress!

    Governors wake up call is happening and they need to be held accountable going forward.

  3. Hogan is just as bad

  4. 1:53 That's what the Defense Protection Ace is geared towards. DPA orders take precedent over all others. The problem is supplies are not being sent out proportional to population and need - they are being distributed based on political favor.

  5. 406 I do agree and understand. Stickler there, the Feds didn't have enough in the stockpile to eventually provide help. Was it articulated that way? No. Imagine if it honestly was....hell just looked what happened not stating it that way - paper products went POOF in the stores.

    And it has nothing to do with prior admins either. Once a person takes over the Presidency, they are now responsible regardless of the past.

    Feds were not prepared - hopefully this IS the wake up call for the future AND future administration mindsets. A simple virus crippled us and we really were not prepared.

    OK now fix it so we are prepared.

  6. Trump walks the walk.

    1. It is more of a limp. We see what youre saying though.

  7. 1:53 I agree with you, but our federal gov is too large and has way more power than the founders intended. Lets not expand the central government anymore. We need to shrink it.

  8. Trump is a man of his word! If he says it.....you can believe it. He has kept all of his promises. That's certainly more than I can say for that bald faced liar Obama. He wouldn't know the truth if it smacked him between his evil eyes.


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