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Tuesday, April 14, 2020

MILLIONS of mail-in ballots went missing in 2018

More than a million mail-in ballots were sent to the wrong addresses by elections officials in 2018, according to a new analysis Monday that challenged state and local officials’ rush to embrace mail-in voting amid the coronavirus crisis.

The Public Interest Legal Foundation, a conservative election watchdog, compiled data from the Election Assistance Commission and said 1.1 million ballots were deemed undeliverable in the most recent federal election, out of 42.4 million ballots mailed.

More than 430,000 others were rejected by elections officials, and more than 10 million — about a quarter of those sent — “unaccounted for,” according to the data.

PILF said that should be a warning to officials rushing to figure out if they can move to mail-in voting as one way to ease chances of COVID-19 infections spreading by voters massing at polling places.



  1. These people are grinding a political ax instead of working for your best interest. Common sense and a look at the data shows that voter rolls are fat with people who have moved on, died, etc. Its not fraud; it's just what happens. Notice these groups never talk about taking a deeper dive into the data showing how many of those ballots went out to someone who had moved or died. They never do the additional analysis to show where a duplicate ballot was received and cast by the same person but at their new address. According to hit job stories like this, I am trying to commit fraud because guess what: I show up on DE voter roles right now but moved to MD and registered last month. Even Trump officials have multi-state registrations, not because of corruption, but due to life changes. Get a grip and use common sense people.

  2. You will find them buried in the back yard of a house in Chappaqua, New York

  3. 2:05

    Buried right next to 33,000 missing emails.

  4. Ballots missing is a big difference from illegally cast votes. There is NO evidence of wholesale voter fraud. Just isolated incidents here and there that have no real impact on election outcomes. Even Trump disbanded his voter fraud task force after finding nothing to prosecute. Republicans will find every reason or tactic they can to suppress voting as they are clearly in the minority.

  5. Northwest Woodsman: Even you, 5:53, don’t actually believe that voter fraud is rare and not an issue. There have been vote tallies in democrat run counties that exceed the number of citizens. How many times have close elections been won by democrats because boxes of uncounted ballots were found and when counted, democrats mysteriously came out as the winner? Anyone with a room temperature IQ knows what is going on. That is why democrats are so adamantly opposed to voter ID. Has nothing to do with obstructing the black vote and you know it!


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