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Friday, April 10, 2020

Mayor Bill de Blasio warns New Yorkers lockdown could last throughout May as he says 'now is the time to double down, not relax' on coronavirus social distancing measures

Mayor Bill de Blasio warned on Thursday that the current state of lockdown could last beyond April and into May as he said now was the time to increase social distancing efforts and not relax them in light of slowing coronavirus hospitalization rates.

The mayor spoke at a press conference where he said the data proved New York City was bending its curve by staying indoors and practicing social distancing.

He commended the city's residents for their 'noble' efforts but said they had to continue in order to avoid a resurgence of the virus.

COVID-19 has already claimed more than 4,000 lives in New York City and more than 80,000 people are infected.



  1. ...and his comments are based upon.....? What??? Maxine who?

    That's what I thought.

  2. It will be extended until both 5G and the ID2020 are ready for implementation.
    Then the authorities will know who has received their vaccine and who has not.
    This will limit the freedom of those who are anti-vaxxers.

    Something to think about now before the time is here.

    1. You're full of s**t 551, that dirty laundry song was written about you.

    2. My body my choice right?

  3. But let's have an Easter Parade and then all have dinner in Chinatown. Nancy Pelosi said she'd meet us there.

  4. Mandatory vaccines are unAmerican

  5. 10800 new cases 777 deaths in ny NY today but Cuomo says things look good ?

    1. New Yorkers should have voted for trump in 2016, karma's a bitch.
      How many will see what's atually happening and vote with common sense and not party lines in 2020

  6. Are you kidding? Nancy will be the Grand Marshal and definitely will show up to get her free dinner in Chinatown.

  7. Is there the same Pressure on the mosques?

  8. The subways are still running in NYC, right? I can’t imagine a more perfect situation to spread infection.


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