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Saturday, April 04, 2020

Maryland’s Governor, a Republican, Is Willing to Spar With Trump for Supplies

Larry Hogan is head of the National Governors Association and charged with representing state leaders who fear they’re unprepared to fight the coronavirus.

Larry Hogan was annoyed. On a conference call, Mr. Hogan, the Republican governor of Maryland, had just learned that several South Korean companies were ready to ship more coronavirus test kits to his state. But they were stymied because the Food and Drug Administration had not yet approved their use.

“I don’t care if we have F.D.A. approval or not,” Mr. Hogan said into a speakerphone in the governor’s reception room, where he was flanked by a container of Purell and a 9 a.m. Diet Coke, with aides sitting six feet apart around a large table. “We’ve got people dying,” he said, adding, “I don’t want to wait for permission.”



  1. But has to be done Legally !!! call Trump , he will cut the Red Tape !!!

  2. Call Rosco P Coltrain !!!

  3. Its a crazy upside down world when you have droves of sheep like you all believing officials are supposed to kiss the POTUS rear to get assistance in an emergency

  4. Why is he whining about the federal response. It is his responsibility to take care of his state. If he needs supplies get them. All I see is a big fat whiner looking for attention. No wonder the N.Y. Times loves him.

    1. If only everyone understood how our system works.

      It’s telling though when these fools expose their TDS.

      The GOVERNORS are in charge of each state fools. They are the ones supposed to do the preparations.

      God people are just so ignorant.

  5. This was already covered in a briefing. They have to be tested so no false positives. Calm down Hogan. But you may make CNN with your posturing.

  6. He is Republican in name only, he has continued to bitch about and undermine our president!

  7. HELIUM GOVENOR HOGAN needs to go to a

    he looks hungry

  8. Get in line > Cuomo wants Everything first for NY !!!

  9. Hogan is to interested in being ah illegal sanctuary State instead of making sure MDFEMA has the needed supplies stock piled for these type of emergencies. Hogan has to raise taxes instead of protecting MD citizens.

  10. Governor Hogan has done an excellent job. If he were not so on top of things MD would already look like NY.

  11. The Guv says: “I don’t want to wait for permission.”

    I fully agree with you this time.
    That is why I'm not waiting for any rulings on the firearms I have to keep my family safe from any harm that may come our way from break-ins or robbery attempts.
    And I firmly believe that it is coming. Soon.

  12. it doesn't say in my Constitution that i have to have anybodies permission. Protect yourself. In the end they won't give a rats ass about you. Think for yourselves.

  13. Trump decides what the Governors will get , so lay down !!!

  14. Look - the blame lies squarely on the shoulders of Mike Miller and former House Speaker Busch. They were the ones that saw to it that Hillary was awarded all - I REPEAT -all 10 electoral delegates. Trump should have been awarded at least 7 of the 10 electoral delegates as virtually the whole State was red with exception to Baltimore City/County and Prince Georges. So now is not the time for Hogan to try and blame Trump.

  15. State governors are just like the public. They want to hoard the critical supplies so other states can't have them. The federal government (Trump) is trying to insure those critical supplies go to the states that need them the most, at any given time, and not let states "stockpile" them for future use. It is the correct and morally just thing to do.

  16. A unreliable test kit is WORSE than no test kit at all. A false positive, or a false negative can do way more harm, than good. Hogan, like most other governors, is desperate to try and cover his shortcomings in preparation for a state emergency. Even if it is with unreliable, unapproved test kits.


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