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Friday, April 10, 2020

Maryland COVID-19 Data 4-10-2020

COVID-19 Statistics in Maryland

Number of Confirmed Cases: 6,968
Number of negative test results: 37,480
Number of Deaths: 171
Hospitalizations: 1,413 ever hospitalized
Released From Isolation: 397

Cases and Deaths by County (deaths):
Allegany 10
Anne Arundel 554 (16)
Baltimore City 689 (17)
Baltimore County 1,072 (21)
Calvert 76 (1)
Caroline 12
Carroll 214 (19)
Cecil 64 (1)
Charles 220 (4)
Dorchester 7
Frederick 289 (9)
Garrett 4
Harford 110
Howard 319 (5)
Kent 9
Montgomery 1,388 (34)
Prince George's 1,716 (42)
Queen Anne's 17
St. Mary's 71
Somerset 4
Talbot 13 (1)
Washington 66
Wicomico 28 (1)
Worcester 16

Cases and Deaths by Age Range and Gender (deaths):
0-9 36
10-19 146
20-29 772
30-39 1,205 (5)
40-49 1,281 (5)
50-59 1,421 (20)
60-69 1,051(32)
70-79 685 (51)
80+ 371 (58)

Female: 3,753 (69)
Male: 3,215 (102)

Cases and Deaths by Race (deaths):
African-American 2,304 (61)
Asian 136 (6)
White 1,694 (45)
Other 544 (5)
Data not available 1,507 (21)


  1. Black population represents 30% of the people in Maryland, yet the deaths of blacks from COVID-19 is 52%.

    For people over age 60, they represent 19% of the population, but 82% of the deaths.

    I wonder if these numbers would be similar to other states.

  2. Can we get a number of how many are hospitalized in wico? Or at PRMC?

  3. Haven't we had more than one death in Wicomico die to Covid 19?

  4. I know someone that has it and is not being counted.
    These numbers are a lie

    Doctor diagnosed them over the phone
    How ridiculous is that.
    They can't breathe and were told to take tylenol and stay home.

    Ridiculous, and they consider this adequate healthcare?
    Each person should be seen and properly evaluated.

    We have had to change our lives to accommodate this illness and these quacks cant even properly attend to a patient.
    What are their oxygen levels?
    Are they in danger due to underlying conditions?

    Don't give me the BS that the treatment doesn't change, because depending on their true condition, it does.

  5. 11:40 Nope! Only 2 deaths on the Eastern Shore of Maryland 1 in Wicomico and 1 in Talbot.

  6. 0 inpatient covid patients at AGH, don’t know about PRMC, however yesterday Beebe had over 20 inpatient . AGH furloughed 20% of its employees this week many other local medical practices followed suit


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