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Saturday, April 25, 2020

Man who confronted Chris Cuomo says the host was like a 'boiling pot'

The Long Island bicyclist who got into a verbal spat with CNN anchor Chris Cuomo on Easter Sunday said the host was like a 'boiling pot' as he was confronted for not self-quarantining.

David Whelan claimed that he had decided to go on a bike ride near where Cuomo is building his new home because he grew up in the area.

'I go by, down the trail that runs past where his new structure is being built and there's a bunch of people there,' Whelan told Fox News. 'I've been riding for seven or eight miles, take a little break, and am just walking. And a woman says "May I help you?" I said "No, I'm just looking".'



  1. When I saw that interview, I was like, man, Tucker has a real non-colorful dude to speak with. Then I saw it again on the 2nd run of the show... and I was like, "that guy is hammered". It was funny when Tucker said Chris Cuomo was having 'roid rage. Cuomo is the deep hole of an ass.

    1. No he was just an older guy didn’t seem hammered at all

  2. Social Justice Warrior @ Salisbury UniversityApril 25, 2020 at 6:00 PM

    People need to do what ever the Government tells them

    stay in your home, give up and NASTY AND MEAN looking guns, Guns kill people.

    1. Hahaha. And your next.

    2. Drink the kool aid have they charged the racist at SU yet

    3. Who? Kirkland Hall?

  3. This POS needs to be arrested he gave his SON the Virus.

  4. Cuomo is the definition of white privilege.


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