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Friday, April 10, 2020

Lawmakers ask Gov. Hogan to close gun stores

While gun stores are considered an essential business, one Maryland lawmaker is asking Republican Governor Larry Hogan to close them.

“We have to do whatever we can to get this crisis underway and to flatten the curve and having a run on gun sales is not going to do that,” said Howard County Delegate Vanessa Atterbeary (D).

Del. Atterbeary wrote a letter, signed by over 50 other lawmakers, asking Hogan to close gun stores. In the letter, Atterbeary states that a gun store in Silver Spring had a long line that extended around the corner.

The letter states, “It is alarming to see Marylanders stockpiling weapons in such a state of emergency. Maryland has seen a surge in the purchase of guns and ammunition during this time of crisis.”



  1. πŸ–•πŸ–•πŸ–•πŸ–•πŸ–•πŸ–•πŸ–•

  2. We need the stores open to protect ourselves from these very lawmakers.

  3. They don't want us defending ourselves

  4. Liberals want domination over you.

  5. It's called liberty and the Bill of Rights.

  6. I bet that (b) that is asking protected by a gun.

  7. What is alarming is the stupidity of MD legislators.

  8. These liberal socialist knows we will not succumb to their communist dictatorship ways. They are scared we will bring back our Constitutional rights and put them in their place which is not a position of pollical leadership of communism. Hogan has sealed his fate by not following through on his promises made during his campaign. I am looking for Hogan to prove he is a Democrat and not a Republican by granting these communist their wants.

  9. Another bright idea from the Dumbocrats

    "Stay Strapped Or Get Slapped"

  10. Northwest Woodsman: I don’t think that Maryland citizens are “stockpiling” guns. I would submit that most of those making such purchases are first time gun owners who may have swallowed the BS gun control advocates have been spewing for years and it took the fear of civil unrest caused by the “pandemic” to open their eyes. As things progress, the adage “when seconds count, the police are only minutes away “, will probably be amended to “hours away”. The result could possibly be that you are responsible for your own protection and well being. Don’t count on police or government to come save you or your property. They might arrive in time to take statements and write reports and if you are really lucky, over worked and understaffed medical responders may arrive in time to save your life.

  11. Are they afraid we would come after them when we finally get fed up with them. Only kidding - God Bless America πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²

  12. NO. Next question!

  13. It's only "alarming" to the politicians that so many Americans are buying guns.
    GUARANTEED -- the small army that protects these leeches have the latest and greatest in weaponry.

    Northwest Woodsman is correct. There may very well be a time in the near future when the police cannot respond to your "I think someone is breaking into my house" call.

    Didn't like guns? Didn't see need for citizens to have weapons?
    Good luck.

    Cheerleaders will cheer all the way to point where there is a gun prodding them in the back to get on the train or into the "showers".

    Keep cheering.

  14. Yes 2:11 But that small army as well as the leeches, has families unprotected at home.
    Let them step out of line... scrap will hit their fan.

  15. Im sure at some point the Democrat bosshog Hogan will listen to his buddies and close gun stores

  16. Perhaps our Senator, Mary Beth Carozza, could contact the Governor's Office and get a copy of this letter along with the signatures of those fifty signers and publicize it. Just give it to SBY News and I'm sure Joe will post it. Then when the next election comes around we'll organize an effort to get these Democrats out of office. (marybeth.carozza@senate.md.us).

  17. Go ahead stand in line outside a gun store. Too defend yourself from what Toilet paper burglars ?

  18. Would the nit-wit who proposed this please tell me which weapons are infected with Co-Vid 19?
    Also please let us know who and how did the infection occur. The bottom line is these Dumbocrats when the breakdown of order comes in this Country want the general citizenry to not be able to defend their homes and businesses.
    I'd rather see a coalition attempt to liquidate the Dumbocratic majority in the Md. Legislature.

  19. He wont have to worry about reelection if he does

    1. unlike other politicians our governor is only in for TWO terms

  20. NO! That cannot happen.

  21. Instead he should close the liquor stores!

  22. Using the pandemic to further their quest of a totalitarian regime. It's what the Democrats do. Their motto, "never let a crisis go to waste." And it stands to reason that a surge in guns sales THREATENS their hold on absolute power over the people.


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