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Thursday, April 30, 2020

Joe Biden (Still) Hasn’t Faced A Single Question on Sexual Assault Allegations

Joe Biden has now done 19 interviews spanning nearly 4 hours in the 5 weeks since March 24, the day a former staffer in his U.S. Senate office came forward to accuse him of sexual assault. None of the 142 questions asked by his interviewers have been on the allegations.

Biden, from a studio in the basement of his Delaware home, has been interviewed by reporters from major networks including CNN and MSNBC, as well as local stations across the country since Tara Reade's allegation was reported by the Intercept in March. Biden has still not publicly commented on the accusation from Reade, who says the then-senator pinned her against a wall and penetrated her with his fingers in 1993 when she was a staff assistant in his office.

In the past two weeks alone, Biden has sat for at least an additional 97 minutes and 16 seconds of taped interviews, according to a Free Beacon analysis.

The sexual assault allegation never came up.



  1. They were quick to jump on board with interviewing Kavanaugh accusers, though. Typical biased media. Period.

  2. Ignore it all and it will go away, because the Democrat party and MSM areworking on it and told you to shut up, right, Joe?

  3. No fan of any Dam I can think of, but really, don't we have a 7 year Statute of Limitations in this country? If this was unimportant for the last 30 years, bringing it up now proves it to be opportunistic BS. He can't be president anyway because he's quickly succumbing to dimensia and won't make it to November, so leave the old fart alone.

    The biggest sinners here are Jill and the DNC for propping him up as still able.

  4. Were gonna watch two older AARP, Medicare, Social Security recipients bash, yell, interrupt, slopper and flub over one another during debates later this Summer and Fall.

    I already saw Grumpy Old Men and Grumpier Old Men.

    A trilogy was not supposed to happen!

  5. 7:06 sex crimes have in many states caused the extension or total removal of the statue of limitations. Remember it is all about how it looks not rather it lowers crime.

  6. He probably forgot anyway, for real!


  7. Joe famously rode Amtrack to and from DC each day. while Jill taught school in DE.

    Down in DC Joe was pals with Teddy Kennedy and Chis Dodd of 'waitress sandwich' fame, so much so that he just named Dodd to his 'find me a female to run with' panel. Tone deaf, anyone?

    Joe's public and private life has many known examples of him disregarding or trampling rules, customs or practices he found inconvenient. So who knows?

    By 1993 he was hitting 50, was a failed presidential candidate, had survived brain leakage. Who knows what he was up to in DC?

    So far his accuser has a chronology that supports plausibility. Joe has a visual track record of putting his paws where he wants when he wants. Advantage, Tara.


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