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Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Japan begins ‘mass manufacturing exodus’ from China

Japan is about to hit Covid Cover Uppers China with a massive manufacturing exodus following the Coronavirus pandemic that has brought the world to its knees.

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has proposed “building an economy that is less dependent on one country, China, so that the nation can better avoid supply chain disruptions.” reports Nikkei Asia Review.

The plans have sent chills down the Chinese Communist Party’s spines as more of the worlds top economies are set to follow suit, Politicalite reports.

Britian, the EU and the United States – who have been touting an America First policy for almost four years could follow suit.

In Beijing, the ruling unelected Communist Party bigwigs are said to be in a state of panic.

“There are now serious concerns over foreign companies withdrawing from China,” a Chinese economic source said.

“What has particularly been talked about is the clause in Japan’s emergency economic package that encourages (and funds) the re-establishment of supply chains.”

“Had the pandemic not struck, Chinese President Xi Jinping’s maiden state visit to Japan would have been wrapped up by now with Xi proudly declaring a “new era” of Sino-Japanese relations. He would have cheered on Abe as Japan prepared for the next big event, the 2020 Olympics.”



  1. Baloney.

    Cheap cutthroat business executives want cheap products. A few lessons will be learned, but only a few.

  2. Abe says it and gets a standing ovation. Trump says it, and has been saying it since long before he was elected, and they call him a xenophobe.
    I hate our MSM. Absolutely, hate them to the core. They suck the teats of the George Soros cash cow and all of his disciples in the Democratic party. It's disgusting.

    1. You don’t hate MSM
      You hate PEOPLE not corporations.

      Hate those who OWN the 6 major MSM companies. They are the Masters of the Universe. Central Bankers. Financiers of political campaigns.

      Hate them. Find out who they are, but don’t type it. That is dangerous. Tell others once you learn who they are.

      Good luck

  3. USA should follow suit, PRONTO!

  4. China steels a product design and makes millions of junk ones from cheap materials that don't last. The result is a landfill full of broken Chinese junk. We have valued everything as disposable because we are used to it now. All those global activists don't realize how much China contributes to pollution not only in their own country, but ours as well. We used to make things better right here in America. They may have cost a little more, but they lasted. I hate to say it but my Grandpa was right, he would never buy that junk. These days the markets are saturated with this junk and you can't buy anything made here.

  5. The executives in charge of purchasing for ALL retail businesses in America now need to refuse to order products from China.
    If the items can’t be made in America then look at other countries other than China.

  6. When shopping, if you see something you like, roll it around and look for a "made in" label. If it says china, put it back on the shelf with the label showing, if possible. Actually you probably can live without it.


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