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Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Is Jill Biden Running For President? Jill Delivers Joe’s 2020 Campaign Message as He Stands Next to Her Blinking (VIDEO)

Is Jill Biden running for President now?

Jill Biden delivered Sleepy Joe’s 2020 campaign message as her husband stood next to her and blinked.

77-year-old Joe can hardly string a sentence together without stumbling so now his wife is talking for him.

“This moment reminds us that the presidency is about true leadership — having the forethought to prepare for the worst, the backbone to lead through chaos, the character to move beyond politics,” Jill Biden said as Joe stared into space.

Old Joe’s handlers should tell him to at least smile instead of scowling next time his wife speaks for him.



  1. He was nodding off when Killary spoke FOR HIM. They figured it would be better for others to talk for him since he cannot.

  2. A positive thought for today. The fact that all we hear from the democrats is biden and clinton means the party is dead. 0bama was a one time shot. I do not think people will fall for that type of dunce again. And if all you got is biden and clinton - bye bye!!

    1. I didn't think there where enough dumbasses in this country to vote for that illigitament muslin for a second term, but we do. ALL REPUBLICANS have to vote for Trump in November.

  3. Does this remind anyone of the latter years of the Reagan presidency when Nancy had to "prompt" from time to time? It is no secret now that he suffered from dementia. This needs to be nipped in the bud; I suspect the liberals have some scheme concocted as a "hail Mary" come convention time. Hopefully Americans will not be duped.

  4. WOW.

    I have never seen THAT done before.....

    And some of you guys think HE can be the leader of the USA???

    She wont' be able to speak for him all the time.

    Trump is going to DESTROY this senile goof.

    Cheer on, liberals! Cheer on....

  5. Absolutely vote Trump 2020.

  6. All during that video, Joe was thinking....Why am I here?

  7. Jill is a fantastic doctor and will be the surgeon general. Or a English teacher.

  8. What a dufus he is. Isn't that the height of stupid?


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