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Wednesday, April 29, 2020

IMF chief echoes AOC on using pandemic as 'great opportunity' to push green agenda

International Monetary Fund head Kristalina Georgieva echoed Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s Twitter feed on Monday by framing the coronavirus pandemic is a “great opportunity” to push green initiatives.

The Bulgarian economist told the Atlantic Council via videoconference that “Mother Nature” would continue warning the world about embracing green policies whether citizens liked it or not.

“A crisis [is] never to be missed as an opportunity to do better,” Ms. Georgieva said, the Washington Examiner reported.



  1. She wanted a full fbi investigation on kavanah even thou he had 8 prior. However she is ok with Biden denials and does not believe a fbi investigation is necessary. Biden has never had a probe done on any of his non profits, Ukraine, Russia or China dealings. Sandy is a fraud.

  2. Watch planet of the humans before they pull it. I'm not a fan of Michael Moore, but do watch it you will see that all of this hogwash.

  3. Now we know from whom AOC got her marching orders: IMF

    The international bankers finance the campaigns of compromised individuals because they can control them one elected (chosen).

    Get it?

    AOC is a tool of the elites.
    Time to wake up and behave like adults.
    Educate ourselves and others about the evil that is afoot.

  4. I believe that those of us who are against the left do the same thing: use the crisis to imprison or execute the enemies of the Republic. Do it now or do it later. The time will come when the left in America murders its citizens. It has happened over and over.

  5. We all know that air pollution causes respiratory disease and illness. We also know that air pollution enhances the negative effects of Corona Virus sometimes fatally . Why would we not want to push for a green agenda?

    I drive a Hybrid car and willing to take next steps towards achieving a cleaner environment

  6. 9:39
    Are you aware of what is in the air column?


    All used as part of the Geoengineering program (weather modification)

  7. 9:39 because it's tacked onto a democratic agenda. They've managed to politicize an issue that affects all humanity. Why are we not suprised that the boomer generation that used, used, used resources at an astonishing rate does not want to take steps to slow the pollution of our planet?

    1. And without the advances in all fields the Boomers made in using those resources you would not have such a cushy life. You would be working harder, longer and for less than you make now!...that's what we did so you could have it easier than we did! Just remember that, we made your life easier...


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