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Saturday, April 04, 2020

I'm Doomed On The Eastern Shore!


  1. Here here. It should be called uncommon sense, due to its now general rarity.

  2. It started with your parents. You should be used to it by now. Everyone else feels the same way.

  3. Too many dumbocrats over here...and RINOs!

  4. Only in the Pines 10:43

  5. Where do you report landlord violators that have attempted to evict tenants, stated intentions to increase their rent in the future and evicted them when the Emergency restrictions are lifted? The landlord also threatened to falsify police reports to enforce such evictions immediately?
    Who do you report these violations to?
    The property owners intent is to cause psychological, financial harm, great inconvenience in as malicious a manner as possible after the governor shutdown employment on the tenants.

  6. April 5, 2020 at 9:14 AM:

    Sounds like you're the crappy tenant that the landlord can't wait to get out of his property. And you sound like you will use every trick in the book to stay in a place you don't pay for, whether you were working (I doubt it) or not.


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