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Wednesday, April 08, 2020

I Drive A Vehicle Tagged In Delaware But Have A Maryland Drivers License

Let's get real people. I'm in the news business. I'd like/love to see the Daily Times expose their traffic like we do, proving we are so much bigger than WBOC, WMDT and the DT's. IF they came anywhere close to our numbers they'd gladly do so. Instead they make excuses as to why they refuse to show people their numbers SUCK.

That being said, I'm considered essential. As for my driving around taking pictures of cars in parking lots while I'm supposedly to shelter in place, I'm in a vehicle, stupid.

Now, when I do in fact go shopping when necessary I am well prepared and protected, and because we are responsible, YOU'RE PROTECTED TOO! My Wife took this picture of me last night in fact. I'm NOT in Virginia, New Jersey or New York spreading my germs carelessly exposing them completely disregarding and disrespecting the LAW coughing and spreading my germs without gloves and a mask. 

So to those negative people trying to personally attack me, BITE ME! 

P.S., As for my Delaware Tags, you people know I own multiple homes. My Wife has a DE license and I have a MD license. We have multiple cars that are ALL legally tagged. 


  1. I don’t understand how they can enforce Maryland tags in Delaware. If I’m stopped, I’m just going to tell them that I recently moved to Delaware but can’t register my car or get my Delaware license because the DMV is shut down. There is nothing they can do. It’s not my fault the DMV is closed and I can’t get my car or license switched.

    1. Except it's not shut down, I was just there handling business of my own. Tell your lies, however.

    2. It's better not to lie to the police...

  2. 3:37 not the smartest move to lie to police but do tell us how it turns out when you do.

  3. Yes we all know how that works. So ticketing people in MD with out of State tags is stupid during the quarantine.

  4. Depends on where you file you taxes at as to whether or not you are a maryland driver.

  5. That mask doesn’t protect anyone. The air valve freely releases your germs without going through any filter.
    Besides, the other cars you are busting on may be skirting the tag laws like you.

  6. Anonymous said...
    I don’t understand how they can enforce Maryland tags in Delaware. If I’m stopped, I’m just going to tell them that I recently moved to Delaware but can’t register my car or get my Delaware license because the DMV is shut down. There is nothing they can do. It’s not my fault the DMV is closed and I can’t get my car or license switched.

    April 8, 2020 at 3:37 PM

    I bet they can! They could easily obtain your information and prove that you lied to the police and lock your ass up for that. Quit trying to be a Barny Bad Ass and stay home.

  7. I see some jowls hanging outside them rubber bands.

  8. Good lookin' hat Mr.


  9. Exactly 3:37 ! How can anyone change addresses if they are closed. I have a relative who is moving to DE from MD and she is in the same boat. What can they actually do?

  10. Duh 3:37, don't you think maybe that they can check and see if you're telling the truth or not.

  11. We need to stop arguing amongst ourselves. Doesn't help pointing fingers at one another either.


  12. Sad. with what is going on we want to pick on the non important things. A better question would be what are we doing to maybe help someone who needs it? Why worry about what someone else is doing as long as it does not create a problem for you. Be part of the solution not part of the problem

  13. Nice purse there Joe, is that yours or is your wife shopping with you?

  14. Need attention like Day ?

  15. A car is insured in the State it is “garaged” in as well where it is tagged. Has nothing to do with where you reside. Ask an insurance agent.

  16. Everything would be so clear if the author would just state where he tells the government (tax reporting) his primary residence is, and not that he owns properties in multiple states. Your primary residence can only be in one state, and that is where your driver's license should be issued from. I believe the author is in conflict with the law by his admissions. Doesn't matter how many homes one brags they have, only one can be a primary residence for legal purposes.

  17. What is funny is you wearing gloves and think that will save you!!!! All you are doing is spreading it around, if it is even out there... Unless you have cuts or open wounds on your hands or fingers, gloves are mute!!!!

  18. You are a true hero Joe.....as much as the ICU docs and nurses !!!

  19. Well said Joe, they come after you just like the idiots that attack Trump. A damn shame for someone who does so much good!


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