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Friday, April 03, 2020

GOP Senator: Yes, China Killed Americans With Their Gross Incompetence Containing the Wuhan Coronavirus

For some, blaming China for unleashing the Wuhan coronavirus upon the world doesn’t go far enough. China has cooked the bookson its Wuhan coronavirus victims. The number of deaths is not to be believed. The number of infected is not to be believed. It’s much worse than what they’ve been doling out. With the World Health Organization in its pocket, they offered the international community a false sense of security when they told them that there was no evidence of human-to-human transmission. That was a lie, but China has the WHO’s director-general in its pocket, so it gave them some breathing room before this virus spread all over and body bags began to mount. China lied and people died.

They discovered evidence of a pneumonia-like virus in December, but government officials ordered the samples to be destroyed. They strong-armed doctors trying to inform and warn the public, they kept medical crews in the dark and prevented doctors from reporting that they had new patients infected with this virus. And now, doctors who fired red flares are disappearing, as are the vloggers who had been documenting what was going on at local hospitals.



  1. The snitches got stitches & are dead !!! No Loose ends !!

  2. We should take out the Chinese Communist Party for this unprecedented assault before we are to weak to do so.


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