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Friday, April 10, 2020

Fauci on US after coronavirus: No shaking hands ‘ever again’

Americans would be smart to carry some lessons with them into the future after the nation’s coronavirus crisis is over, according to Dr. Anthony Fauci.

“One of them is absolute compulsive hand-washing,” Fauci, a member of the White House Coronavirus Task Force, said Wednesday during a Wall Street Journal podcast.

“The other,” he added, “is you don't ever shake anybody's hands. I don't think we should ever shake hands ever again, to be honest with you.”



  1. He's a lefty...the picture of him with Soros.. all the other far left liberals...of COURSE people will shake hands again.. that's just a dumbass thing to say.

  2. Here is something I can agree with - I'll NEVER shake HIS hand!

  3. Disagree with not shaking hands in the future. Once there is an inoculation for this virus (like other viruses in the past) we can move forward.

    Plus when I provide my final gratitude to my bartender (bourbon of course), it is always with a handshake!

    HAPPY TGIF - another very quiet one indeed!

    1. You are naive

    2. TGIF ? Seriously? I haven’t worked in weeks.

  4. I think this little turd is actually enjoying this. He gets all the attention and adulation and gets to play God without ever having to be elected to anything. Same for Scarf Lady. BTW, Scarf Lady is a big Lib and her husband used to be an advance man for the Clinton campaigns.

  5. 8:17 - you forgot the part about Scarf Lady's daughter working for Killary and Bill "charitable foundation"

  6. 804 We still don't have an inoculation for the flu only a wild ass guess every year. what makes you think you will get one for COVID-19?? We need to move forward now.

  7. No... hand shaking is completely unnecessary, and only serves to pass germs. One handshake can carry germs down 8 further handshakes.

    No, no thank you.

  8. Easy for us to say what we need and how we move forward.

    Its the damn 535 on Capitol Hill (who we actual vote in as a nation) who remains in charge and THEY are who pass the budget (insert laughter) each year.

    Buck stops on Capitol Hill and they have been inept for several decades with their personal agendas. Until Capitol Hill is fixed - we will never move forward...only deeper into the hole!


  9. I must agree with previous comments regarding the two “medical experts”. The accuracy of their projections and the purity of their motives should be questioned at the very least. As far as shaking hands, it was a custom long before I came into the world and will continue to be a custom long after I am gone. However, after all of this, I along with many others will probably be practicing a higher level of hygiene and will constantly be aware of where our “hands have been”, before putting them to use.

  10. Fist bumps, followed instantly by sanitary wipes.


  12. I will both continue the custom of a handshake greeting with my professional acquaintances, and washing my hands throughout the day after touching any public object or another person. Most professionals will just get in the practice of washing their hands more, if they weren't already doing it. I am in regular contact with reps that are a bit OCD about washing their hands repeatedly. And they are in contact with people all over the state and beyond on a regular basis (in normal times) and they avoid the flu and colds all winter long by conscientiously washing their hands. It works and is the most preventative measure one can take to avoid contagious diseases. Most people's hands are nasty. They transport viruses to the point of entry, eyes, nose, mouth. In effect, people infect themselves. The viruses will be around forever. People have to learn to practice SAFE hygiene is they ever expect to stay well. Hopefully this pandemic will reinforce that behavior. This is not rocket science. It is common sense hygiene to stay healthy. This should be taught in the home, and then in the schools. The government shouldn't have to mandate it, but humans can be some of the nastiest animals on the planet.

  13. We can always go back to what Obama did when meeting foreign dignitaries and heads of state, he bent over to kiss their ass!

  14. Yes Fauci, nobody will ever hug their kids, family, or loved ones ever again. No mother will wipe her child's face or hold their babies again. No kisses or hand holding ever again. No hand shaking, or any showing of affection or love again. Yeah Fauci, like anyone is going to those extremes and sticking to them after this is over. Fauci lives in a theoretical world, not the real one. After this is over, he will fade into the academic and research background where he has resided for the last thirty years, never to be heard from again.


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