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Thursday, April 02, 2020

Does Nancy Pelosi know about the coronavirus outbreak?

Someone ought to tell House Speaker Nancy Pelosi about the coronavirus outbreak, because her laser focus on pushing her political agenda suggests she’s unaware of it.

The latest evidence: She wants to “retroactively” roll back Congress’ 2017 cap on tax deductions for state and local taxes (SALT), the New York Times reports.

She claims lifting the cap would address the economic fallout of COVID-19. She wants her “fix” to be part of Congress’ next rescue plan.

But her idea has nothing to do with boosting the economy and everything to do with helping Dems in blue states, like California, New York, New Jersey and Illinois. More than half the benefits of a repeal would go to folks making more than $1 million. Don’t Dems oppose tax breaks for the rich?



  1. Nancy Pelosi does not care about the Virus at all or how many people are dying from it. All she cares about is sticking to the taxpayers to fulfill her wish list of WASTED TAXPAYER MONEY. The complete wish list is nothing more than ripping and stealing from the U.S. Citizens. She has been caught on tape telling how to lie to the taxpayers and she is doing it everyday. She needs to be removed from government. TERM LIMITS ARE NEEDED NOW.

  2. She Loves it , & will try to Exploit it too, putting more PORK in the Bills !!!!

  3. Is this the same crazy Pelosi that coitized Pres Trump over his tax cuts because it benefitted the rich? Now this insane Pelosi wants to give back tax breaks for the rich because they are paying to much in taxes. Have all the Democrats lost their mind / have dementia or what? These are the same that wanted to tax the rich and now they want to take back their tax breaks they lost. Their taxes should raise beginning at $2 million net worth.

  4. States rights and small federal government. That is what the Republicans USED to stand for . When the high earners, who demand fewer State services, leave the poor suffer

  5. Come on now Nancy is busy praying for everyone every day

    1. Except unborn babies, which she supports killing....

  6. She’s partying it up on the taxpayers dime with the best healthcare taxpayers money can buy in case she gets sick.

  7. Nancy has the cure Chuck Adam She is a cold killer Wake up

  8. She Set Aside enough of that Relief $$$$ for her New Jet !!!!

  9. Does she know the Earth is Round & that America is FREE ??? Dugh


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