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Sunday, April 19, 2020

Dingbat Waitress Makes The Following Claim


  1. Nope!

    I was taught to put uour silverwear on the plate to signal that you are done eating.

    1. How many plates do generation z'ers need ?

    2. No I've never heard such a thing

  2. Bull crap, need to switch. She is a ding bat

  3. She's smoking crack. Must have been AOC.

  4. Holds truth a majority of the time for sure. Even millennials are better than the boomers. Also the boomer are the worst tippers.

    1. And the millennial waiters and waitresses are the worst ones

    2. 8:41 Maybe because you suck as a waitress🤷‍♀️

    3. Yeah. I would agree there's are those few that aren't with the times that TIP like 2 bucks no matter what the bill or how much you ran your ass for them!

  5. I want to now see what she claims is the tip difference - what should really matter...

  6. Haha I think it’s partially true. My kids all in their twenties stack everything but they have all worked in restaurants.

    1. That's the key. The neatly stacked dishes are surely from someone who has worked in a restaurant before. The other table is lazy peoin general regardless of age.

    2. Oh yeah,I totally would agree that whomever it was definitely had been in the restaurant business b4 for sure!!

  7. Professional wait/persons prefer to stack dishes THEIR way to carry them .. Everything has to go in order to clean the table.

  8. But which tipped more? Guarantee it was not Genny Z. Dingbat is right.

  9. Anyone can make claims. What I do know, she's a waitress.

    Enough said.

  10. The neatened side is her tip

  11. We have all been shut in to long if we even give this any thought.

  12. Guess you want me to go in the kitchen and cook my own food too? They pay people to clean the tables. I am spending my money to eat at your establishment, I shouldn't have to clean or organize anything before I leave. And no, I'm not a "Boomer" and I ALWAYS tip at least 20% regardless of the service.

  13. This is your life when you choose pot over education

    1. I'm a server amd I definitely don't smoke pot or any drugs. I javw this job because I'm in college and they work with my school schedule.

    2. I have never used pot and I have a education. I work as a server because i enjoy the hard work plus from what I here pays better than that selling pot lol or that high priced piece of paper on my wall..

    3. No pot here but have made a very good living in my 20+ yrs I'm this industry. Im most of us make a better living than those WITH an "education". Whatever you think that cap may be. Remember! If us "uneducated" people weren't there to serve you, a lot of you would never eat.

  14. I’m a waitress too. She’s 100% correct. Just sayin.....

  15. Seems as though the wait staff doesn’t want our business... just sayin

  16. Server here, and I have seen those Gen. X and Millennials make a first class mess of a table. They seem to delight in making me have to work harder. They deliberately pile plates together with food on them and then press them together to make a sticky mess that I have to separate back in the kitchen. Then there is the napkins shoved into glasses of water, and syrup poured all over the table and the tip so I have to get all dirty to even get $2 from a party of 6.
    I'll take seniors any day over these selfish brats!

    1. We’re not all seniors it’s a wide age range ... 1944 to 1964 I’m towards the younger end and wish I wasn’t considered a boomer because they are the most worthless generation up until now at least

    2. Thank you 11:48

    3. 12:44 Especially the politicians


  17. Obviously a statistics major! Sample size of 1 for each of her her peevish subsets. Perhaps she should switch to Gender Studies? Curious minds want to know how she shares her tip with the busboy/person. Does the split vary by age of patrons?

    Finally, a top-notch server removes plates, glasses, etc with patron's assent as they are finished. In addition to providing a less congested table for patrons provides a more consistent flow of items to the dishroom so cooks don't run out of clean plates to serve on.

    1. Yes I remove their plates as soon as thwir done. Which hwlps mw to turn the table faster.

    2. Said like someone who as never worked as a server. I am very sure you a a terrible guest who thinks they could do the job better because of how often they go out. Let me flip u
      You my Saturday night section and watch you fail miserably.

  18. She makes a big generalization here.

  19. Don't you people see? This type of posting is just another way to divide our nation and pit one generation against the other. Listen...do you hear the laughter?

  20. who the hell cares? We go there to eat, not tidy up for them, that's THEIR job. We will however put things easier to be picked up. And probably in the process make it harder for them, unknowingly of course. Wait staff have their own way of clearing a table. If this is all this dingbat has to whine about, they are lucky.

  21. It goes both way! Gen Z waitresses (servers) stand around in groups chit-chatting when you walk in, don't acknowledge you. Keep on talking, then eventually sigh and roll their eyes, because they actually have to interrupt their social life and come take your order. They then take you food order, bring your drink, then you never see them again.

    Eventually a runner brings your food out, and something is wrong, or they didn't bring the A1 sauce you asked for. They go oh, well i'm just a runner, i'll let your waitress know. Then you sit there never get your stuff fixed. But worst of all you never get a refill on your drink, you're just sitting there dying of thirst, choking down food with avocado that you hate and dry with no A1 sauce. So then you're done with you meal, and you sit there and sit there, and sit there. 20 mins goes by until you get pissed off enough to go up to the hostess stand and ask if anyone can please just take my money so I can leave???

    Then they look at you like you're the crazy one, rolling their eyes and such.

    And they want $15 a hour to come and hang-out at a place of business and socialize. Gen Z = "Z"ero sense of work ethic.

    1. You put that out there in plain and easy to understand words 1:30 and I have had the same experiences multiple times

  22. I don't know what it matters and have no clue. What do servers prefer? Stacked and organized (gen z) or just left spread out (boomers).

    1. As a waitress I can say I don't care. It is my job to bus the tables as I go so you don't end up with so many plates on the table at the end. I can honestly say that if you are polite and leave some tip at the end I don't care how the dishes are left at the table.

  23. Stacking dishes is the waiter or waitress's task. not mine. to the waitress who posted that GFYS

  24. In the future, when all of us Boomers are gone, busboys won't be needed.

  25. I leave a better tip when the server doesn't address my wife and me as "You guys."

  26. Anonymous said...

    I was taught to put uour silverwear on the plate to signal that you are done eating.

    April 18, 2020 at 7:33 AM

  27. The next time one of them pu$$ies calls you a Boomer you should kick their a$$. Boomer is a derogatory term just like the N word.

  28. I'm not sure what the point of this picture is so it is difficult to comment.

  29. Anonymous said...
    Holds truth a majority of the time for sure. Even millennials are better than the boomers. Also the boomer are the worst tippers.

    April 18, 2020 at 8:41 AM

    RIIGGHHTT!! You Gen Z Homo's don't tip at all!

  30. NOT MY JOB!! Fk YOU! If you don't like your job then get an education and get a real job.

  31. If that Ding Bat waitress waited for everyone to get done before she cleaned the table then she is a horrible waitress and doesn't deserve to even get tipped.

  32. Anonymous said...
    Professional wait/persons prefer to stack dishes THEIR way to carry them .. Everything has to go in order to clean the table.

    April 18, 2020 at 9:10 AM


    BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! You can't be serious.

    1. Yes professional not everyone who is a server is a moron like you tend to believe. I have a degree and a very professional full time job. I serve part time because I enjoy the extra money and I actually enjoy the job and the people. I serve by choice not because I have to.

    2. I find that if you pre-bus you should never have a stack of dishes!!!

  33. Anonymous said...
    I want to now see what she claims is the tip difference - what should really matter...

    April 18, 2020 at 8:43 AM


  34. Anonymous said...
    Seems as though the wait staff doesn’t want our business... just sayin

    April 18, 2020 at 11:42 AM

    I'm going to start paying attention and reporting their poor service every chance I get.

  35. Anonymous said...
    Guess you want me to go in the kitchen and cook my own food too? They pay people to clean the tables. I am spending my money to eat at your establishment, I shouldn't have to clean or organize anything before I leave. And no, I'm not a "Boomer" and I ALWAYS tip at least 20% regardless of the service.

    April 18, 2020 at 9:53 AM

    I agree with you 100%

  36. Blogger Unknown said...
    I’m a waitress too. She’s 100% correct. Just sayin.....

    April 18, 2020 at 10:48 AM

    Who gives a Fk if she is 100% correct! I guarantee you that GenZ Homo's and Millenials don't spend as much and tip as much. I don't know what a Boomer is but it isn't their job to do your damn job. Get over your lazy a$$ self!

  37. Anonymous said...
    Don't you people see? This type of posting is just another way to divide our nation and pit one generation against the other. Listen...do you hear the laughter?

    April 18, 2020 at 12:35 PM

    You are 100% correct. That is what they are learning in high school and college.

  38. Anonymous said...
    Server here, and I have seen those Gen. X and Millennials make a first class mess of a table. They seem to delight in making me have to work harder. They deliberately pile plates together with food on them and then press them together to make a sticky mess that I have to separate back in the kitchen. Then there is the napkins shoved into glasses of water, and syrup poured all over the table and the tip so I have to get all dirty to even get $2 from a party of 6.
    I'll take seniors any day over these selfish brats!

    April 18, 2020 at 11:48 AM


  39. Anonymous said...
    We’re not all seniors it’s a wide age range ... 1944 to 1964 I’m towards the younger end and wish I wasn’t considered a boomer because they are the most worthless generation up until now at least

    April 18, 2020 at 12:44 PM

    WTF are you trying to say?

  40. Anonymous said...
    This is your life when you choose pot over education

    April 18, 2020 at 10:35 AM


  41. The waitress should pre-bus . Not wait till the customer is gone

  42. Nope all wrong ! The gen X pic was staged . No one does that . I’ve been a server for 27 years . I know. And I’d rather get a tip from most of the boomers . Yes some are stuck in their mindset that it’s customary to tip 10% . The younger generation are lazy and don’t tip very well at all , the exception is if they have been in the servers shoes . At least those 10% older boomers are polite and have manners . Yes you do run into the occasional grump . But the gen z and x acted like they are entitled to what ever they want without really earning or deserving . But I see 20% average . Sometimes more . Sorry I know this probably upset some people . just saying !

  43. @443 If everyone did that who would clean up after you old slobs?

  44. I am a waitress. Not because it was my first pick in job. But because it is getting me through college. It was available and I preferred it to working at a Wendy's or similar position.

    Waitressing can be one of the best jobs for money IF you are a good waitress. That being said you never know what type of customer you are getting. It's a gamble. I've had older people leave plates like that AND younger millennials letting their kids throw rice and beans around. Plus run around the restaurant screaming,getting in the way and becoming a hazard.

    There is no better generation. It's just how people work. Sometimes older people don't tip sometimes younger people don't tip. Sometimes they stack plates sometimes they don't. And sometimes even if I'm the best waitress in the world for a table they DON'T tip. We don't know personal situations it's ok, maybe this was a treat for a less fortunate family.

    You never know. Stereotyping like that just isn't correct. I only care about being treated respect. And again that is mixed.

    In the end who cares about a post. Maybe this waitress was having a rough night and posted this out of anger. Waitressing is stressful. Let's not out more hate into the world by calling names, such as dingbat. Let's be understanding to everyone and the situations they could be going through.

  45. There is really nothing to stack on the boomer side! Also, just one plate. I saw this a few years back. Customers with little kids are far worse than any other customer. THEY should be shamed, if anyone is. You can easily wipe off the table into a bus bin, but then you have to vacuum, and get all the food off the booths. I was in the restaurant biz for over 20 years, even with another full time job. Restaurant employees usually are the best coworkers.

  46. This just going to make people wish they could go to Denny's.


  47. Question for you wait staff - how do you prefer to receive your gratuity? I don't usually add the tip to my credit card bill, especially when I have an exceptional waitress. I leave cash on the table. I try to tip well and want to know that it is getting to the right person. Either method better?

  48. Idk, I'm a waiter an an upscale joint and tbh I appreciate the help but I prefer doing the job myself because it may ease abd speed up service. Plus management says stacked plates like that look a bit tacky and none of us should be doing that. It's kind of a mandate.. I don't think it has anything to do with what generation you were born with.

  49. Why are you calling her a dingbat for stating her opinion?

    1. Because bits an attack on a specific group of people

  50. If you are going to clean your own table, feel free to tip less! Coming from a millennial... Barely.

  51. Look it up:
    It is a mistake in etiquette to clean up your table after dining out.
    Leave it neat, and leave a nice tip, but never, ever clean your own table!

  52. They stacked them because they probably work in the industry but it’s ignorant and divisive to use it as a wedge between age groups

  53. This should end the conversation:

    "DEAR MISS MANNERS — When at a restaurant, is it bad manners to “stack” (only dinner, saucer, bread) plates for the waitstaff to remove from the table?

    GENTLE READER — Yes, and worse manners to ask to participate in the pooling of tips for having done some of the waiter’s work.

    Now, now. Miss Manners knows that you were only trying to help. But you would not be pleased if someone passing through your workplace started doing your job — and probably doing it badly. A waiter who takes pride in his professionalism would never stack plates at the table, and could be in trouble if you made him appear to have done so.

  54. People that say it is bad etiquette to clean the table (stack the plates) are correct.
    If you think that the majority of snowflakes - millennials - whatever you want to call them, know anything about good manners, then just watch them in a group sometime at a restaurant.
    Disgusting. They dine like they are home alone on the kitchen table.
    (Signed: A 12-year waitress)


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