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Friday, April 10, 2020

Delaware Department of Health and Social Services (DHSS)

This map is the reason we CANNOT celebrate Easter or Passover in person beyond immediate family members in our own homes. The highest number of cases in Delaware is now in the New Castle-Bear area, with increasing number of cases west and south of that area. In Kent, west of Dover has the highest number of lab-confirmed positive cases, and in Sussex, the highest case totals are in the Lewes-Rehoboth area, Georgetown, Millsboro and Milford. Please stay home, Delaware. That is how we will protect each other and save lives. For more data:


  1. Tell that to the crazy nutjobs still having services! I forget which state it was but the governor overrode a mayors quarantine order.

    1. Florida. With the highest rate of vulnerable people.

  2. You can thank all the New York idiots that came down to their beach houses and brought it with them. Go home. We dont want you here!!!!

  3. Thank you for posting this, we haven't seen too much info for Delaware

  4. Gumboro area is looking more and more attractive these days for several reasons. No second homes, no Walgreens,No Yalmart, Not in Maryland

    1. No offense but Gumboro is about as boring as watching paint dry.

  5. And we only had 28 confirmed cases in wicomico county

  6. 11:43...doesn’t mean they aren’t at prmc...just that they don’t reside in the county.

  7. I wonder how the Zip Code that includes the Southern part of Wilmington City,Route 13 south of Wilmington,New Castle even Delaware City got to be the highest in Delaware. Is it because it is the nearest to the Delaware Memorial Bridge?

  8. Keep Delaware OUT of Maryland !!! Deploy Military checkpoints !!!!


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