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Thursday, April 30, 2020

Coronavirus Relief Often Pays Workers More Than Work

When combined with state benefits, weekly government payouts create incentives that employers say complicate efforts to re-open businesses

Roughly half of all U.S. workers stand to earn more in unemployment benefits than they did at their jobs before the coronavirus pandemic shut down swaths of the U.S. economy, a result of government relief that employers say is complicating plans to re-open businesses.

The package of coronavirus stimulus laws Congress passed and President Trump signed in March included a $600 boost to weekly unemployment benefits through July 31. As that support is added to state benefits over the coming weeks, the average weekly payment to a laid-off worker should rise to about $978 from the nearly $378 the Labor Department said was paid on average late last year.

Qualified workers will receive the government payout every week through July, and in most cases, the combined $978 weekly payout amounts to better pay than what many workers received before the crisis hit. Labor Department statistics show half of full-time workers earned $957 or less each week in the first quarter of 2020.

The stimulus measure means that in coming months many low-wage workers will avoid both significant harm to their finances and the potential health risks—and further virus spread—of returning to crowded workplaces. That money in consumers’ pockets in turn puts the U.S. economy on firmer footing to rebound once authorities allow businesses to re-open.

But enhanced benefits also create disincentives that might hamper efforts by employers to recall workers when some states are trying to re-open their economies. It is possible that Workers could ask their bosses to leave them on furlough so they can collect the larger payments while avoiding health risks.



  1. A friend just told me they are getting an extra $600 thrown in by the Federal Govt. So they are making out better then the people who are working part time b/c of lower demand.

  2. It’s to make them feel that the government can take better care of you than you can.... it’s Communist grooming

  3. I'm still trying to get my company to lay me off. Unfortunately, they are allowing me to work from home. If they call me back to the office before this thing is over, I will quit based on my age and commodities that put me in the highest risk group of dying from getting the virus. Even though I am a management employee, adding the Federal $600 unemployment to my MD unemployment will pay me far more than my salary. And then I retire......

  4. It was a Nancy Pelosi idea. It was approved because she was holding the stimulus package hostage. This 600 a month was her plan to cripple the economy so Trump will look bad. Democrats will do anything to get control of the WH. I believe that if you are offered your job back and turn it down you are a candidate for ending unemployment.

  5. GOOD FOR THE PEOPLE. This is NOT a regular unemployment situation. One cannot just go down the street and start applying. And who knows when folks will be able to get back to work.

    248 you are an idiot. You really believe that getting the extra money will have some impact significantly greater than shutting down businesses to begin with for months?


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