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Thursday, April 30, 2020

Chincoteague Pastor sues Va. Gov. after facing fine, jail for holding 16-person church service

A Virginia pastor, who was served a summons for holding a service for 16 people on Palm Sunday, and his church have filed a federal lawsuit against Gov. Ralph Northam for issuing executive orders banning religious gatherings with more than 10 people, saying it violated the Virginia Constitution.

Liberty Counsel, which is representing Pastor Kevin Wilson and Lighthouse Fellowship Church on Chincoteague Island, filed the lawsuit Friday against Northam, whose COVID Order 55 provides for a penalty of up to a year in jail and/or a $2,500 fine.

Police served a summons to Wilson for holding a church service on April 5 for 16 people spaced far apart in a sanctuary that is rated for 293 people, Liberty Counsel said in a statement.

A police officer entered the church without identifying himself and “abruptly” told the congregation “they could not have more than 10 people spaced six feet apart,” the law firm said.

“Then, after the service, two police officers entered the church in full mask and gloves and asked to speak with the pastor. They issued him a summons and informed him that if he had service on Easter, all attending would get the same summons.”

Liberty Counsel said the parking lots of multiple commercial establishments were filled with hundreds of cars Thursday. “Yet, Gov. Northam criminalizes religious worship that exceeds 10 people.”

More here


  1. Our government is totally out of control. I commend this pastor for filing suit and hope and pray that he is successful. I would think that other pastors and churches would be doing the same if they actually believed in freedom of religion. Our constitution has been trashed and our country is in danger of collapse if we don't stand up and reject this foolishness. Thank you Pastor Wilson for standing up for what is right!

  2. Good for him. More should do this. I think businesses in Maryland might want to start considering the same thing if we are not allowed to open up.

  3. Rules are rules. Look what happened in NYC with a jewish funeral.

    Follow the rules or else.

    Move along, nothing to see here.

  4. This is happening everywhere! Look what happened in NY 2 days ago at the Synagogue. Its sickening! The MORE our state & federal government reacts to this virus, the MORE they look and are acting like the country that spawned the virus!!!! Let's never forget, our God given rights include the right to travel, the right to congregate, and the right to practice our religion! There are NO, IF'S, ANDS, OR BUT'S...It is written clearly, with NO addendum! For any questions regarding this, ease read: Supreme court ruling "Ex Parte Milligan" section 71. It clearly says "Neither the legislative NOR any executive, or legislative officer may disregard provisions of the Constitution in case of emergency". Sounds pretty clear to me! Come on America, let's get It together, and REGARDLESS of you political leanings let's NOT alloe our officials to desecrate the Constitution. It's written for ALL if us, not just left or right!

  5. The pastor should have worn Blackface or a Hood then it would have been a Okay with "Coonman" Ralphie.

  6. 9:59, how wrong you are. There is a lot to see here but unfortunately you are blind to the facts. You are obviously a CNN watching liberal. You probably also hate the 2nd amendment.

    1. Actually I love the 2nd Amendment.

  7. 9:33 you and the rest like you let them get out of control, now it is unstoppable unless you rise up with arms and guns!!!! You all wanted socialism, and now you got it!!! What you don't like being told what to do, and when to do it and how???? But you sure thought is was swell when you were getting some of my money that was stolen from me via threats of force and jail!!!!!

  8. Chink a tink has been closed to outsiders so there shouldn’t be any virus there.


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