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Sunday, April 19, 2020

CDC expert issues chilling warning that U.S. coronavirus death toll of 34,846 is just 'the tip of the iceberg' as 'untold numbers' of people who haven't been tested are dying at home

As the COVID-19 death toll neared 34,800 in the US on Thursday, an advisory panel expert from the Centers of Disease Control (CDC) has issued a chilling warning that the ­­alarming number is just the 'tip of the iceberg'.

Mark Hayward, a sociology professor at the University of Texas-Austin who is an expert on mortality statistics for the CDC, believes the country's coronavirus death count is being severely underestimated.

The purported inaccuracy of the figures could be caused by a number of factors. Staff shortages in certain states may be causing delays in reporting the latest figures to the CDC,and an 'untold' number of people potentially infected by the disease have also been also dying at home before they could be tested. Medical examiners do not test people after death.

'­­The biggest challenge in obtaining an accurate tally of COVID-19 deaths is to [be able to] implement widespread testing,' Hayward explained to Newsweek.



  1. This has been the problem all along - nobody seems to have acurate facts - China went to blackout mode and kept info from the world, and then the data never seemed to be accurate from there. One thing is for sure, and that is the fact we are not near our virus apex here on the shore.

    1. What makes you think that 840?

    2. @3:30 by actually talking to Medical Drs. Or should we just go by your assumptions that we are ok? It is no secret the correct numbers are not being told.

  2. With continued gloom and doom, from one report to the next, it becomes ver difficult for one to discern the truth. I look around me, I see and hear of people, including some friends or acquaintances that have died, from a myriad of reasons. I see our way of life slowly dying.
    I have served our Country in the military including Vietnam. I am finally reaching a point to where I more deeply understand the statement of Patrick Henry, “GIVE ME LIBERTY OR GIVE ME DEATH!!


    1. Trump campaign is suing media outlets for your comment. Out of context. Be careful

    2. He never said fake

  4. and people being tested and found positive are being sent home
    knowing you have it is not to save you it's to isolate you from the rest of us


  5. This sounds like Deep State scare tactics.

    After seeing how they've operated at the CDC, I don't put much trust in what they say.

  6. So I am assuming those untold millions that are dying at home are just rotting in people’s basements. The cdc has already changed their guidelines reporting corona victims to include pretty much everyone that has died for the past 6 weeks to pump up the numbers. We just believe every word they say. It is time to end this.

    1. It is funny you mentioned this. The BBC World News just reported the other day how over 200 bodies are being found everyday in NYC homes.

  7. At this date in 2017, there had been 860,000 deaths in the US from all causes. that total in unavailable for this year, but I'm willing to bet that this year is not much different. Even with a +/- of 34,000, it's almost within the same ration to our population. Let's get back to work!

  8. Life without work is death of another sort. All of the "experts" are basking in the attention they are getting, yet many have been repeatedly wrong in their projections.

  9. Thanks for your opinion 918 - but no.

    Keep in consideration before saying lets get back to work:

    - nothing like this really hasn't happened in 100 years so there is no modern history

    - population just in the USA is so much more than 100 years ago

    - there is no vaccine and medicine still takes time and testing

    - normal that we know of no longer exists because we don't know how long this virus lasts inside a person, how far it goes (air/services/etc), have yet to identify who carries it but isn't sick and so on.

    Way to many unknowns to compare deaths from other causes to this situation. This isn't apples to apples.

    Erroring on the safe side is better than the other alternative - or throwing this situation into normal yearly deaths.

    Now if you want to go back to work and go out on the beach - fine and good luck to you.

    1. Is this country's shut down, wearing mask and gloves thing going to happen every year in late fall when a new virus pops up? This is like being afraid of your own shadow. Come on folks, keep this country moving ahead, not backing up because of what someone thinks might happen. Be responsible for yourself, don't expect the government to keep you alive.

    2. Shawty Sherrif Mike LewisApril 18, 2020 at 6:24 PM

      My CHIEF and Commander Governor Hogan has issued an executive order ..

      While in your home using the bathroom, all homeowners must wear a mask and wash their hands.

      To enforce this order, I will send my deputies to your home infrequently,
      and my Deputy will sit in your bathroom with you.

      As you take your CHIT, my deputy Richardson will keep a master log that each home owner is obeying this order.

      Should you have any questions, please call the Sherrif Chit line @ 1 800 P.U.

  10. 9:26, 34,000 is only 4% of 860,000. Our population could easily be 4% larger than 2017. That's how small this is.

  11. For those of you that think this is FAKE. Go out knock yourselves out everything is at your disposal you have the whole place to your selves to wander around and rant.

    1. For those that think it is fake talk to your medical friends. The truth is being suppressed, must you personally know someone who does to believe this?

  12. Ok, well since this is all a big hoax, you all go ahead back out there. I'm going to see how you do first before I go. 😂

    1. 10:00 I've been out everyday and doing fine thank you

    2. @3:41 that is awesome. Now when did you get test to know you aren't asymptomatic?

  13. Don't know if CDC is accurate. They said NY needed 40,000 ventilators. NOT.

  14. Northwest Woodsman: Yesterday, I was using some old newspaper to mask off an area that I was painting and there was an article relating to the flu season for what I believe was 2017 and it mentioned increased rates of flu over the previous year. The statistical data they presented regarding numbers of deaths was not much different from the current “flu/virus” crisis. The only thing I notice as different involves a political component which I now fully believe is an effort by Pedomarxist democrats to influence the upcoming election. If they can use the Coronavirus panic to destroy all of the economic gains made by this president , to include low unemployment and the generally positive outlook for our country, they will use every underhanded trick in their playbook to destroy him and us as well. They hate him because he is not one of them and because he has prevailed in spite of the most concerted obstructionism ever levied against a president. They will go to any lengths to destroy him. How rapidly all this would disappear if the PedoMarxists were magically gifted the presidency.

  15. the more people are waking up and not buying into their madness the more they are trying to push the death rate numbers. I call BS!

  16. Back to work, the government doesn't have the money to fund all the unemployment. Get back out and make them some money. It is all a hoax, the Earth is flat, nothing to see here. People think, instead of being partisan about everything. Stop, and think.

    This didn't stop spreading all of a sudden. The country didn't "Flatten the Curve" just because NYC nubians went down some. It still hasn't been exposed in many areas. A lack of testing keeps our numbers down. We have our own propaganda as a country as well, just like every powerful country.

    1. 100% of the population will be exposed before this is over. The virus spread will not be stopped by staying home or wearing loose fitting masks and gloves. Your immune system and personal hygiene will determine if you live or die

  17. nonymous said...
    Ok, well since this is all a big hoax, you all go ahead back out there. I'm going to see how you do first before I go. 😂

    April 18, 2020 at 10:00 AM

    Some of us are already out there and have been out there all along and nothing has changed for us. You just stay in your hidey hole while the rest of us go on with our everyday normal routines.

    1. Sounds good to me. I'll collect my $800 a week and wait for you to report back.

  18. fall in line you little dog faced pony soldiers. Fall in line!

  19. The virus is not fake and i don't think anybody is saying it is. the deaths caused by this virus is fake. Have you noticed that nobody is posting the recovery numbers? Even if they post the recovery vs the death of those that were tested positive. You would see that most of the hysteria and fear mongering is not fake. The death is low compared to the recovery if you look at the numbers just from those tested. This is why the recovery numbers are not being posted. Those that want to go back to work should be permitted to go back.

  20. If you were not getting paid to stay in your hidey hole then you would opt to go back to work.

  21. Northwest Woodsman: Great comment 11:32. I couldn’t agree more. Thanks.

  22. If you believe this is fake and go about your business.
    Then you also agree that if/ when you get sick you need no and get no medical treatment of any kind... since this does not exist. You are allowed to just die in your home alone.. Everything you own is provided to those who appreciate the seriousness of this and to help them get well.
    So much ignorance on this page. I never knew the eastern shore had so many people with no intelligence.
    You've listened to Limbaugh to long

  23. 1:32PM-Numbers, numbers and more numbers being presented to portray fear and anxiety. I agree with your premise.


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