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Wednesday, April 29, 2020

BREAKING: CA Supreme Court Orders Gov. Respond Re Unemployment Benefits For Undocumenteds

‘Not a slush fund for the Governor to spend as he sees fit’

While more than 3 million California citizens are awaiting state unemployment benefits because of Governor Gavin Newsom’s order for statewide lockdown, the governor announced last week he was extending $75 million to undocumented immigrants to be passed-through unnamed regional non-profit associations.

However, the Center for American Liberty’s lawsuit, in coordination with The Dhillon Law Group, filed an emergency petition with the California Supreme Court Wednesday asking the Court to immediately halt Governor Newsom’s appropriation of $75 million for the undocumented immigrants.



  1. Unconscionable...taking care of those who are not here legally and not contributing before Americans. I just don't understand the rationale though I do believe in charity. This is ridiculous and hopefully Newsome won't come begging for federal relief.

    1. That's how he continues to be re-elected! Simple.

  2. These dumbocrats are slowly destroying this country.

    1. That's y we need a CIVIL WAR.

  3. Illegals should not be getting "free" handouts from the US tax payer when the US has Veterans, Homeless, elderly and Homeless children they have / are ignoring.

  4. California,the land of FRUITS and NUTS.

  5. He actually said he was giving 150 million. But only 75 million of it was coming from taxpayer money. Not sure where the other 75 million was supposed to come from.

    1. Not his pocket 1216

    2. Really 12:16, where else is he going to get it? Oh maybe Billy Gates or Georgy Soros is going to just say ' here ya go, $75 million for you to give out to illegals'. Geesh talk about sheep....

  6. These governors think that they are Kings & Queens, acting like they may bestow the royal funds to whomever they want. By royal decree they hereby declare that you are not allowed to go outside. They deem who is and is not "essential". Its time to put them in check for this nonsense. I agree that there needs to be safety measures taken, but you cannot skirt checks and balances and the law. This situation is going to test people in ways that they have not been tested before and I guarantee people are going to react, even those who are more passive by nature.

  7. Better STOP it & Lock up that corrupt Traitor Governor !!!!


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