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Friday, April 10, 2020

Bill Barr Calls For End To ‘Draconian’ Coronavirus Restrictions On May 1

Attorney General Bill Barr called for “draconian” coronavirus restrictions to be lifted at the end of the month, saying Americans need to be allowed to adapt to their new reality.

“We have to be very careful to make sure this, that the draconian measures that are being adopted are fully justified, and there are not alternative ways of protecting people,” Barr told Fox News’ Laura Ingraham on Thursday.

The attorney general added that he’s not comfortable with telling Americans to “hide under their bed,” and trusts them to adhere to social distancing guidelines on their own.

“When this period of time at the end of April expires, I think we have to allow people to adapt more than we have, and not just tell people to go home and hide under the bed,” Barr said.



  1. Translation: We are willing to put your lives at risk to get the stock market back up before November.

  2. This is unbelievable! I hope we all remember how they see us. Democrats, Republicans and all the other Political parties. It's ALL about the money.

  3. No it has to do with all of the folks who want and need to work but have been quarantined by an over zealous government that has been pushing false models to scare the hell out of people. Open it up

    1. In the words of Trump, "Wrong".

  4. It’s about feeding people.

  5. Has been and always will be about $$$ and winning elections. The American people will always be second rate to the rich and famous. Still waiting for him to erase the national debt and give us that great healthcare plan within months of being in office.

  6. 4 weeks of being shut in is starting to show its ugly self.

    1. Well it sure as heck hasn't been shut down around Salisbury. Everyone is out doing their running around.

  7. In this case it is not about $$$ and winning elections. People need to go back to work to earn a living for their family. Bills do not stop just because someone is not working. Damn what is so hard to understand about that. Unemployment is ridiculous. They are no more prepared for this onslaught than a man in the moon. Waiting 4-6 weeks for that to kick in can mean losing alot or going hungry for a while. Not everyone is rich nor do they have their pantry stocked with food to carry them over for months at a time.

  8. Bill keep ur mouth SHUT.

  9. Millions not exposed to the virus with no immunity going out at one time,this is going to be bad.

  10. Bill Barr is totally correct and ANYONE who disagrees is being extremely short sighted.
    The big picture is: get back to work and save the world or sit home and YOU and the rest of the world will be destroyed.

  11. Up to the DOCTORS Not Govt !!! Govt just trying to RUSH things to force
    people back to work, so Govt don't have to give them any $$$ & get them
    paying TAXES again !!

    Safety is FIRST & Govt will be held accountable if they send folks back to
    work & open up things too early !!!

    Test kits need to be issued to everyone FIRST for one thing + masks issued

    It takes as Long as "IT NEEDS TO TAKE " tell Govt that !!!

  12. You guys believe in the risk?
    You think the government is telling the truth?

    You are giving up your liberties in exchange for safety from an imaginary threat.
    You will end up with no liberty and no safety.

    1. You most be the sheep sheeple catch phrase guy.

  13. If businesses have to be closed, so be it. I do not like the outdoors (trails, county land, etc.) being off limits and being told where I can DRIVE. I think it is about time someone challenges some of the restrictions.

    1. Sounds good! Go 1st then tell us how it went, do it for us all.

  14. Great idea, fat pussy Bill, say you and Dump meet up with Fake Falwell jr., fake Franklin Grahm, all join with hundreds of evangelical Christians at Liberty University for a hand shaken, hugging meet and greet bonding. From where I see, a win-win.

  15. You won't have any money if we don't go back to work. Recession will be the next step.


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