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Friday, April 10, 2020

BARR: "No Basis" For FBI's Crossfire Hurricane Investigation... More Concerning is a 'Whole Pattern of Events to Sabotage the Presidency'

US Attorney General Bill Barr told Fox News host Laura Ingraham there was ‘no basis’ for the FBI’s ‘Crossfire Hurricane’ investigation into then-candidate Donald Trump.

Recall, FBI counter-intel chief Peter Strzok opened a CI investigation into Trump’s campaign in July of 2016 dubbed ‘Crossfire Hurricane,’ based on bogus claims his camp was working with the Russians.

Barr said what happened to Trump was one of the greatest travesties in American history.

Even more alarming was the pattern of events after the campaign to sabotage Trump’s presidency.



  1. We all know how this is going to end. Accusations and denials will go on and on until the statute of limitations expires and then it will just fade away with none of the lying scum bags going to jail.

  2. Distractions? current smoke screen needed for something allot bigger..bussiness as usual from the deceivers . I.e the swamp..

    the question i have whats the end result of this agenda

  3. Nothing will happen EVER unless Trump is re-elected. Just ANOTHER reason to make sure he gets re-elected.


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