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Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Baltimore Streets Flooded With Methadone And Suboxone During Pandemic

Methadone clinics across Baltimore City are flooding neighborhoods with "a lot" of addiction-treatment medicines after federal regulators relaxed take-home restrictions amid the COVID-19 pandemic, reported The Baltimore Sun.

In pre-corona times, addiction treatment medicines, such as methadone or Suboxone, were limited by clinics to avoid abuse or resold on the streets. Now because of relaxed federal rules, addicts can receive up to a month's supply in one visit.

The Rev. Milton Emanuel Williams Jr., the pastor of New Life Evangelical Baptist Church, also the operator of Turning Point Clinic, said his facility usually doses out a day's worth of methadone or Suboxone from his East Baltimore clinic to addicts. Now he's sending them home with a massive 28-day supply.



  1. Thought Hogan was cracking down on opioids / drugs? Hogan proves again his Democrat ways. Hogan is allowing the gangs and drug dealers to take over Baltimore and the State of Maryland in the name of the virus. Hogan the do nothing Democrat Governor for the law abiding citizen such as self protection / right to carry as Hogan promised during his campaigns.

  2. I came up in the day when you didn't have all this coddling, and free bullshit. I cleaned my ass up at 24, went on to marry and raise 3 wonderful kids. Had a couple relapses, sure, but had the desire to work, and raise a family, and keep that monkey off my back. It's not a gov't get you clean thing, it's a you get you clean thing. All they do is put a band-aid on the problem, and you keep ripping it off cause you know you can, and they're there to put another one right back on,and on, and on.

    1. The government wants taxpayers to fund methodone so they can be in the drug business. Who owns these clinics?

    2. 6:55 You won because you wanted to. No one will ever clean up for somebody else. They have to want to for themselves. All can do it if they have the true desire. Get a job, get a hobby, read books, go to a gym and work out, etc, anything to keep your mind off getting the next high. Every day is a new beginning.

    3. I didn't win anything. I'm a recovering addict for life. The first step is the only step you need to focus on daily.

    4. 12:37 If you "recovering addict" want to buy into that stuff recovery programs preach, good for you. You can actually kick the habit, and I did say habit, by youself if you really want to, as I stated earlier. Instead of depending on a drug or alcohol to survive, most depend on government funded programs paid by taxpayers, insurance programs and co-pays by the patient. There is no such thing as being addicted, but many so called addicts have weak minds that can be very easily manipulated by these recovery programs to think you need them and they are the only path to recovery. Lots of lawyers are invested in recovery centers for a reason. But if step one works for you that's great, however the writer of step one wrote the other 11 steps also. Keep Traveling

    5. 6:55 - You won another day of life with your family, believe it or not. Denial might be your real problem.

  3. Thank you MD gubmint for allowing me to pay for addicts' drugs and needles. It makes me feel so superior.

  4. Just getting more drugs to supplement the drugs they are already taking. How nice.

  5. Northwest Woodsman: We watch as Baltimore descends further into the morass, if that is possible. Having not been there for many years, I imagine it to be similar in appearance and danger as Mogadishu. Although, come to think about it, Mogadishu may not be as violent or dangerous.


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