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Sunday, April 05, 2020

A Viewer Writes: Walmart Setting Limits

The North Salisbury Walmart is setting up to go on the 10 shopper, maybe higher, but still a limit, in the store at one time. Get your shopping done today or plan to wait in line for a few days.


  1. Uh Oh, So far people have been basically civil about this pandemic. Once the supply chain breaks, or the inner city criminals get bored, I suspect looting will begin. The national guard should be on the streets NOW to show that as a society we will NOT tolerate that kind of behavior. Any criminals that want to try and take my stuff, you'll wish the National Guard was here to protect YOU!

  2. The local Salisbury unit is over the bridge now.

  3. Walmart is illegally locking and blocking its north entrance. This is a clear violation of the National Fire Code NFPA 101 which has been adopted by the Office of the State Fire Marshal, Wicomico County and the City of Salisbury.

    Salisbury has taken over "Fire Marshal" duties from Wicomico County and refuses to enforce these laws. Common Jake Day, you and John Tull are in violation for not enforcing the fire codes. Your paid Fire Marshal, Eric Cramer gets paid a lot of money to sit in his office and do absolutely nothing from week to week. What a fraudulent fire department and fake fire marshals.

  4. Home Depot in Berlin was doing this today. You had to wait in a line outside the store when they hit whatever limit they set.

  5. So go through your pantry and just eat everything you don't like. People are going out shopping on whims or to get out of the house. That's the nature of shopping their ingrained with. Just diet you won't use as much toilet paper. You might even become healthier. Stay the hell at home. Take your chances get in your car and go get some drive through fast food from minimum wage care less worker that don't even know what's going on LOL. Control yourselves this crisis is really going to glean the stupid from the rational.

  6. 3:25 Bingo. People aren’t going to tolerate this shut down for more than a couple more weeks.

    1. Abd will do what ? This is to kerp all of us alive !

  7. I'll be short, I'm locked and loaded, don't tread on me.

  8. only 10 people in the store at one time but 100 in line outside, stupid idea, maybe they can assign numbers and we can sit in our cars until our number is called

    1. Not accurate. five people in the store per 1,000 square feet, which comes out to around 20% of the usual number of people in a typical Walmart.

    2. 10:47 Idiot I was using figurative numbers. I wasn't trying to be accurate. So next time I will say 10 in the store and 40 standing outside so you will be happy with my accuracy.

  9. 3:25pm

    National Guard is a joke. Most of us who truly were deployed and are properly trained and battle hardened left active duty and never joined the guard as its a giant mens club like a volunteer fire department. Promotions are based on who you know, and who your family is. Half of the guardsmen can barely pass weapons qualifications, have had no formal training on hand to hand, no formal training on proper crowd control. Hence why during normal stateside deployments that have weapons with no ammunition. After 9/11 the Maryland Guardsmen at BWI had no ammo in the magazines that had in there weapons.

  10. I spoke with GM and Manger and several employees and this is not happening.

    1. Still people get in, get your stuff, get out. Right now is not the time to stand around in the store socializing. 2 women in Food Lion yesterday blocking the wine aisle confused over a recipe. No social distancing at all. No gloves. No masks. I had to reach behind one of them to grab my wine and get out of there. People are clueless.

    2. This is what is happening. I work there
      five people in the store per 1,000 square feet, which comes out to around 20% of the usual number of people in a typical Walmart.

    3. 4:26 I don’t know who you spoke to but just came from Walmart for a pick up order and they are standing outside waiting to get in.

  11. it is logistically impossible in a city of 33K people. there is another fake post on fb about certain ages can only shop on certain days.
    enough with the fake news and creating more panic.
    they can not lock people in the store and doors must remain unlocked during open hours. you really think they are going to put 1 employee in that much harms way to stand guard at a door? you really think people are going to listen.

    just stop

    1. 4:38 They are in line right now waiting to get in. Only letting so many in at a time.

  12. May as well CLOSE !!! Anyway , since shelves are Empty !!!

  13. All I can say is GOOD LUCK with the Walmart in fruitland. There was a "cultured" bunch wandering around today. Saw everything from newborn infants to children ranging from 4-14 traveling in packs. Saw the occasional just rolled out of bed slippers over socks. Can't wait to see how that goes when they implement this down there


  15. Bread lines.... this is what socialism looks like

  16. Don't even bother to go to the North store. They have been looted. bare shelves and the meats is very limited. They had a lot of milk but a lot of other grocery items were gone. I thought things had turned around and the store restocked, But the raid on Walmart has now taken place again, Unless you want non grocery items don't waste your time as of right now.

  17. No way. This will no last for long in the USA.

  18. Walmart will contribute to the problem with this move. We keep hearing from the governor that supplies are going to be available and there will be no interruption of services, well this feels like the opposite. Bad move in my opinion

  19. They are allowed 20% of occupancy.

  20. So what happens when the whole family comes in like it’s an excursion field trip? Are all of them counted as customers? So everyone will have to wait while these families dawdle in the store?

  21. My local Sam's club had signs on the doors saying that only 500 customers would be allowed in at one time.

    A nearby Walmart had closed all but one entrance and had carts and police tape forming an 'in' lane and an 'out' lane at the open entrance. I'm sure they will start counting, and I was half-expecting someone to try to check my temp.

  22. Open carry folks! You will need to defend yourself and your groceries!

  23. You need to DTOP with that kind of talk !

  24. I find it interesting how many people blame walmart for empty shelves, and not the hoarders buying so much food and supplies that much of it will go to waste before they consume it. The shoppers are the reason for empty shelves, not walmart. The ones complaining would gladly fill their carts with more than they need, if they could. Look in the mirror for the reason for empty shelves. Its PEOPLE, not walmart.

    1. The shelves have been bare at Walmart for 3 or 4 weeks, they have not restocked. Why not? Why haven't the trucks been bringing in new shipments? This is why people bought all they could while they could because they knew this was going to happen. People have not been hoarding for these past several weeks because stores put limits on items, and there's nothing on the shelves to hoard.

  25. Store is Blown OUT , No need to go there !!! May as well CLOSE !!

  26. Other Walmarts not on the Eastern Shore are not doing this. Neither is Home Depots. These are store specific rules, not company wide policies.


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