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Sunday, April 19, 2020


"Peninsula Regional Medical Center is expecting a LARGE number of dead Covid patients. They have erected a large outdoor temporary morgue".


  1. PRMC is preparing, not expecting. If we are unfortunate enough to have more deaths than the current provisions will hold then this will allow for respectful treatment of the ones who don’t survive. It is easy to be critical from sheltering at home. What is welcomed is prayer for the ones who get up and go to work in our hospital every day. We need unity not criticism and decisiveness.

    1. At the time you wrote this, I didn’t read any criticisms. Are you just being proactive like PRMC is? To correct you again, decisiveness is welcome at a difficult and critical time such as this.

    2. We should not just be praying for hospital staff, how about all essential workers. The minimum wage people at fast food or grocery stores? The people in the plants processing chicken. (Any food) We should pray for those that are sheltering in place because they have lost their job. And possibly lost their business. Not everyone sitting at home is being paid. The small local resteraunt owners/workers desperately trying to hold on to what they spent their lives building up. The only criticism I have seen regarding the hospital is the money at the top not connecting with the nurses (true) and lack of protective equipment. (True) I think if you took a poll on this site most support health care workers. I am confused how this picture makes you think people sheltering at home are being critical? I am glad to see the new covid space and this temp fridge set up in the past two weeks at PRMC. Finally I feel like it is being taken seriously. God bless us all.

  2. If people here could get tested
    We could probably sVe a few

  3. 7:11, I didn't publish this for criticism. I believe PRMC is being proactive. While we've all be asked to quarantine ourselves, the Eastern Shore was probably 2 to 3 weeks behind other major metropolitan areas, therefore we're sick and tired of sheltering in place more so than other areas. That being said, I do believe we are looking at hitting our peak some time around June 1. I know, it sucks but far too many outsiders are continuously coming to their secondary homes here and the spread will last longer here. Now I'm no expert but when you see images like the one on this post all one has to do is use your head. It is coming, it's just a mater of when we will be hit the hardest.

  4. I don't understand how anyone can read this and assume it is criticism. It simply states the facts. When I saw this I was glad to see it being taken serious and maybe this image will help people take it seriously. I'm grateful for what Joe posts. Sometimes I agree, sometimes I don't. But most important it gets people talking and I like seeing all opinions. Stop reading into things. This picture is 100% informative.

  5. Agree Joe. The peninsula is pretty well isolated but the migration from New York, PA, and other northeastern states puts us at risk.

  6. Joe is absolutely right. We are all tired of this but hopefully the month of practice has made us all routinely cautious at this point for when our peak comes. We just have to remain vigilant and responsible and pray this does not mutate into a second wave.

  7. close all the bridges to the eastern shore!

  8. Sick people quarantine
    Not healthy people

    You don’t recognize tyranny

  9. I am with you on but I am afraid it is to late 7:59

  10. Life will not change overnight once the deaths diminish. Social distancing could last for months. Many employers will not re open with their original staff numbers. It could take months for supply chains to recoup. The hardest part is yet to come.

    1. You’re absolutely right. But if you ride through Salisbury it looks like business as usual. People took it serious for two days. Now it’s like nobody cares anymore. People everywhere.

  11. If you do not have the tests how do we know who the "sick " people are?

    They are not readily available

  12. Tired of all this bull and fake news. I can't help but wonder how many of these patients went to the hospital with other conditions. Heart disease, kidney failure,etc. Then got the Corona virus from being at the hospital. The same way people admitted to the hospital get mrsa and c-diff. Then the person dies at the hospital from heart failure or kidney failure. But because they tested positive for corona virus. Their cause of death is recorded as corona virus. So you see how the numbers get exaggerated. Also the numbers have been no more than the regular flu.60,000 die from the flu but we don't shut down the entire nation. There is a lot more going on here than most people want to believe. I for one think this was released by China on purpose.Two labs within five miles of the city it originated in. No bats of that species within 900 miles of the wet market. China wanted to destroy our economy because of tariffs place on their goods. Also Bill Gates investing in vaccines and wanting to decrease the world's population. Gates giving polio vaccines to African girls with drugs in them to sterilize young girls. And the denial of the malaria drug that cures corona virus. So Gates can come up with the vaccine to make money. It all sounds a little suspect to me. Too many things just not right about ALL of this. More people killed with H1N1 virus than corona virus still country not shut down. Also Liberals and democrats needed to try and destroy everything Tump had done for our country. Lowest unemployment in fifty years.Recond stock markets highs. Booming economy. And they will not want to open up the country till after the election. They will try to keep this going and try to blame it on Trump. How else could they have had a prayer of beating Trump. They have done nothing for the people of the US. For three years their only agenda was to destroy Trump. That is what this is all about. Believe or not just think about it. It makes sense.

    1. Your imagination sure is interesting...🤣🤣

    2. May not be as farfetched as you think..."The end justifies the means" is the way the Dems/ socialist/ communist types think.

  13. A Covid 19 unit opened last nite at PRMC. They have had the virus patients all over the hospital. I am hearing they are doing lots of intubations.

  14. It is my understanding from inside sources at PRMC, one death has occurred (as of Sunday) resulting from a patient diagnosed with the virus coupled with an underlying medical condition; acquired immune deficiency. It is good to see such proactive preparation. My only question is what data or information is being used to take such action, because it is down right scary knowing the capacity of the hospital’s morgue is expected to be inadequate for the expected virus deaths in our area. With the anticipation of so many deaths, we the public should at least be informed for many reason to numerous to list here.

    1. There’s only 9 coolers in the hospital morgue.

    2. How many deaths are we expecting in the area 9:55?

    3. There's actually less then 9 coolers in the hospital.

  15. When this is overflowing with your loved ones remember to thank those visitors from New York and New Jersey.

    1. It is disturbing that our area once called "the land of pleasant living" is inundated with the scourge and pestilence from the metro sewers.

  16. Northwest Woodsman: Being somewhat pessimistic, I tend to agree with 9:29. Facts is facts! This seems to be overblown by a large degree especially compared to deaths from other causes which dwarf the Coronavirus totals. Take a look at deaths caused by auto accidents, flu, drug overdoses, etc. Hardly any of them cause the raising of an eyebrow. I fully believe that the intent is the political destruction of the Trump administration. Pedomarxist democrats have tried everything in their political playbook to obstruct him and they have failed. Pure genius coming up win this method and it demonstrates that they will use any means possible to gain power. If you think life is difficult now, wait until they are in charge.

  17. We will NEVER know the truth.

  18. PRMC should be more worried about their college SU interns than whether or not this post is criticism. Yes, your SU interns who are out partying and intermixing with a lot of other college students everyday. Example, Easter Sunday a large group of college students were hanging out in front of a college rental. When confronted about the lack of social distancing and the large group, one girl said she works at the hospital and she knew what she was doing and after all it was Easter. Seriously??

  19. What was that rambling nonsense from 9:29? What do medications for Polio in Africa have to do with anything?

  20. So -PRMC is not sending it's coronvirous patients to John's Hopkins?

  21. Although escapees from other states are a problem, there are many residents here in Salisbury/Wicomico area who aren't acting in a rational way.

    I had a to pick up a couple of things at Food Lion on Rt 50 yesterday. When I arrived the parking lot was busy with cars. I put on my gloves and face masks and was walking across the parking lot and say that no one else were wearing either protective gear. I went inside and only saw a couple of people wearing gloves and masks. I was really shocked that all of these people were totally ignoring the safety measures. So it appears that this area has not seen the full damage from Coronavirus. Look out and be smart everyone

  22. Delmarva is unique, yet no different than the southern east coast. Why? Snowbirds migrating south for the winter. We just have folks coming/visiting/owning and utilizing the Spring/Summer/Fall timeframe.

    Proactive is not something thats normally done since we have been a reactionary nation for the better part of 20 years - so any proactiveness is a welcomed relief regardless of the dire situation. Just hope it can continue going forward - yet proactiveness is prohibited normally because of $$$$$

    So the cycle continues since we all rely on $$$$$ to live - to include during the Spring/Summer/Fall timeframes as a resort coast.

  23. Why would prmc send virus patients to Hopkins. Repeat after me....besides intubation...THERE IS NO TREATMENT.

    1. There IS treatment, and it's been highly effective... just "forbidden" by some governers...

  24. hey can you all share a square?

  25. @8:03 it would be nice if people would actually recognize the rest of us little people who are deemed essential and risking our lives, but who aren't in the medical fields! But unfortunately people only will recognize a HERO or someone they can classify as a HERO, and thats not us little people. The little people who are checking out your grocery purchases, the little people who are working at fast food so those REAL ESSENTIALS can grab something quickly to eat! The little people who are janitors who are really risking their lives attempting to combat an invisible enemy, who feel awful if someone gets sick at the place they cleaned because maybe they missed something. Nah we don't matter! We don't get any of the respect! WE get screamed at because the store is out of something, or your food wasn't fast enough, or the bathroom wasn't clean enough even though it was cleaned on schedule 2 hours ago! Those are your ESSENTIAL WWORKERS - THOSE ARE THE INVISIBLE HERO'S that aren't getting any thanks at all!

    1. I thank each worker I see at any store I go to..I say " thank you for working"... one lady at home Depot looked at me with a surprised look
      and said I was the first person to say thank you to her.

  26. Some of these people are dying WITH the virus, not FROM the virus.

  27. Anonymous said...
    You’re absolutely right. But if you ride through Salisbury it looks like business as usual. People took it serious for two days. Now it’s like nobody cares anymore. People everywhere.

    April 14, 2020 at 11:52 AM

    What do you expect when you see fake day post pictures of himself and Babs and the other SPD all huddled up and not practicing what they are preaching. NObody will take you serious if you are not showing leadership. Poorest of the poor of leadership!

    1. But Salisbury’s best is yet to come! The new tent city homeless park on Lake Street is sure to promote mass lawlessness and disease. The city of Salisbury purchased countless tents and will offer two meals a day along with free WIFI. There will be fights, drug abuse, and they will be pooping everywhere. All paid for using our tax dollars! Coming Friday!!!! While some of the Command Staff of the Salisbury police Dept have warned against this, our Chief of police and our mayor have pushed it into a reality. It’s really no wonder the city of Salisbury and the Salisbury police department are falling apart.

  28. 7:11 You are compensated with a salary. People work at gas stations everyday with the potential of being robbed and killed so you can run in and grab a soda and some gas. Real sorry you have to work in an environment with sick people. It's almost like you signed up for it.

  29. That's a depressing looking sight. Couldn't they have put it somewhere on the ground floor or near the other morgue? Anywhere out of sight.

  30. Sussex County needs to keep the virus in their own state, and stop bringing it over the state line into Maryland.

  31. Couldn't they get Jake's drag queens to come out and at least paint it pretty rainbow colors. Make it less threatening like a cross walk.

  32. 9:55 I suspect that with many businesses closed, the hospital’s typical ability to process deceased is much more limited than usual. Regardless of the number of cases/deaths, they need a place to store them.

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