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Monday, March 16, 2020

Wicomico County Recreation, Parks, Tourism and Civic Center facilities to close through Sunday, March 22

SALISBURY, Md. – Wicomico Recreation, Parks, Tourism and Civic Center facilities will close Tuesday, March 17 through Sunday, March 22.

These facilities include the Wicomico Civic Center, Wicomico County Welcome Center and restroom facilities in County parks.

County parks will remain open.

These closures are in accordance with the Executive’s Office notice of a County Declared Emergency.

Suspension of public programs and events remains in effect through Sunday, March 29. These include Kids Klub After School, Westside Community Center programs, Happy Timers, and all sports programs.

Public events at the Civic Center have been be postponed or canceled through Sunday, March 29.

Decisions made by officials are fluid and can be changed at any time.

The Wicomico Recreation, Parks, Tourism and Civic Center department will continue to monitor the situation through regular updates from the Wicomico County Health Department and the Department of Emergency Services. Updates will be shared with the press, as well as posted to department websites and social media outlets.


  1. This is not a Hurricane that is going to pass or make landfall. It's going to be like this for weeks. Five days is a joke. They are now recommending gathers of no more than 10 people.

  2. They seriously think this will be over by the 22nd? It will just be getting bad. What a joke.
    Look around the country. ER's are being flooded now. Georgia has real problems. And on.......
    It may be open after the 22nd but as a trauma center for Covid patients.

  3. Even before the Virus their Bingomanias used to be scheduled about every 3 mos and the last one was Feb 15th and none scheduled for this summer. The Civic Center will be loosing $ and so will a lot of other businesses that draw crowds and Jake should be shutting down his FESTIVALS that would be a crowd of maybe more than 10 or 25 on a good day. Looser child mayor you just don't have a clue since first term on how to run even a small city--really time for you to head to your INNER HARBOR. You might even find wife #3 there with your record.

  4. Why is it that when stuff gets bad, government agencies close... but the rest of us working people carry on?


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