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Wednesday, March 25, 2020

White House, Senate reach late-night deal on massive $2T coronavirus stimulus package

The White House and Senate leaders reached a breakthrough deal shortly after midnight Wednesday on a massive and historic $2 trillion coronavirus relief package for workers and businesses, capping days of heated negotiations that had nearly been derailed by last-minute demands from House Democrats.

“Ladies and gentleman, we are done," White House legislative affairs director Eric Ueland announced as he left the office of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., near midnight. "We have a deal."

Ueland told reporters that "much of the work on bill text has been completed and I’m hopeful over the next few hours we’ll finish what's left and we will circulate it early in the morning.”



  1. Another scam The perpetuated on the anerican people.

  2. Media has not addressed exactly what was approved - student debt? Green new deal? Did Pelosi get what she wanted?

    1. You know she did!! I'm sure her request to keep bailing out the postal service was approved

    2. They have confirmed. You need to read. Democrats secured 55 billion more for hospitals and local health. Appointed a 5 person committee to oversee where the $500 billion in business loans were going. Give it a quick google it's out there. Saw no mention of student loans

    3. 5:45 The postal service is just that, a service. It is not a "for profit" business. Do you understand what a service is?

    4. @11:38 wtf kind of service do they provide? Their business has been one clusterfu** after the next. Their latest screw up with Amazon basically pays Amazon to do business with them. They did the same thing with fed-ex about ten years ago. Paid fed-ex a couple hundred million to transport their overnight packages on their airplanes. Paying your competition to do what you are I'll equipped to provide. The express mail is no more after that bone headed move. Then it's the 200-300 million in bonuses that management gets every time the American taxpayers have to bail their asses out. The postal service hasn't provided anything close to "service" in years, hell you don't even know who your carrier will be on a day to day basis most of the time

    5. The postal service is too stupid to realize Amazon is about to do their own delivery services on their packages. Why pay someone 60-70 grand a year to deliver to a third of their routes everyday. USPS is a money pit

    6. @11:38 that went out the window 30 years ago when they broke away from the federal government and changed from civil service retirement to FERS. They need to operate for profit and actually pay their own operating costs. They've been getting federal bailouts for 30 years now

  3. They finally agreed to allow the Fed to print some US Dollars ($2 Trillion, or 2 Thousand Billion Dollars) so they can give it to their favorite corporations.

    Oh, plus they will give some of it to citizens and illegal aliens who happen to live inside the borders.

    Oh, plus they will give some of it to other Countries who will agree to sell their natural resources for cheap to those favorite corporations.

    Now the US Dollars I have and the US Dollars you have are worth even less because there are more of them.

    1. Completely idiotic. It is in loans to businesses. Read something for once and stop spreading misinformation because you are part of the problem

    2. 7:59
      You are the idiot.
      You can’t loan money you don’t have.
      It will be created from thin air
      Wake up

    3. Where did you get the information about giving money to other countries or did you make it up like lots of other things you post 5:30 ?

    4. Trump told us they will give money to other Countries.

      I like 5:30s comments. She seems to be well informed

  4. I still want to know where the money is coming from.

    1. Ultimately you and I will pay for it because no one wants to tax their rich, elite campaign donors

  5. 7:27 It is made up by the government. This house of cards will crash one day and it is going to be ugly. This Covid 19 thing will seem like a game of Candland when it happens.

    1. 7:27 A few days ago you were saying this covid was the crash. Now you've postponed it and say what's happening now is just a game of candyland.

  6. The Fed creates money and loans it to the government who repays it plus interest. The interest is never created. It is a scam!

  7. Yes 7:53. Clinton sealed the deal. Any equity the USA had(SSN funds), then 911 wars, obama sell out and now this, all now included in the za trillion $ national debt. So the stage is set. Ultimate control coming soon. Look at us today very scary. Trump is trying to fight this evil tide, he looks very tired and stressed. We all need to pray for him.
    Guess we will find out whats in it now..since it was passed. Im sure there is a bend over clause in there for us littl folk.

  8. Look,...we learned from the TARP 2008 Wall Street bail out ( I thought ) , we have seen how the bulk of the 2017 tax cut went straight to the corporations. Have we not LEARNED ANYTHING???
    The Senate Republicans in their closed sessions created a partisan bill and presented to the Democrats Saturday, yes , this past Saturday . This is the largest spending bill in the United States History!. Can you let bi-partisanship occur in a few short days???? I for one do not want Trump to be the one who decides who receives the half of a trillion dollar corporate bailout with out oversight,...do you ???.
    There were gaps in what was presented,...we, as Americans first, I know that this is hard for some to take, Democrats AND Republicans work thru this. We need unity. This bill started out in a very partisan manner unlike the 2 bills before it. Take a deep breath, it got completed ,...together, bipartisan. Is that not what we want?

  9. I want to see what the taxpayers got shafted with by the Democrats,in this bill when it is completed. They had added so many line items that did not pertain to the Virus at all. Some that will hurt this country bad if implemented like the Green Deal. Joe please run a copy when you get it.

  10. Your skin color matters the most to democrats. Your skin color gets you the job over other undesirable skin colors. This is new America run my 5 women Backing by George Soros. Should be noted the women didn’t break 100k votes combined when they ran for office. Let that sink in. Trump folded with the rest of the republicans. As usual. White folks buy a tanning bed and hair die if you want a good job in America now.

  11. @530am You need to research fiat currency and fractional reserve banking while you have downtime during the quarantine.


    WHO With held America's Aid !!!!

  13. I want to know what PORK the Democrats Snuck in the Bill !!!!

  14. Late night for those who are in BED together !!!

  15. Most of the $$$ better be for OUR Unemployment $$$ !!!!!

  16. They already talking on TV that they don't want you getting too much of
    the Unemployment Pie !!!

    Good Luck getting to even File it since you CANNOT get through to them !!!

    So, you don't get SHHHHT unless you find a way through > FACT

  17. The Govt should have PLENTY in that SLUSH FUND because all business
    has to pay it every year on their employees !!!

    Unless Govt has been Dipping into it like Your Social Security !!!!


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