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Thursday, March 12, 2020

White House: California pension fund subsidizing Chinese plans to 'overmatch' US military

American investors are bankrolling China’s plan to drive the U.S. military from the Indo-Pacific region and risking their own retirement funds in the process, according to one of President Trump’s top advisers.

“Why are we sending American capital to a country and supporting a defense industry that's popping out a couple destroyers and frigates a month and threatening to have total overmatch against us in the Pacific?” White House national security adviser Robert O’Brien said Wednesday at an event in Washington. "I don't see why we should be underwriting the Chinese defense industry.”

O’Brien singled out the California Public Employees' Retirement System, the largest retirement fund in the country, for a special warning that its investment decisions could harm both retirees in particular and U.S. national security in general.



  1. They stopped teaching the Chinese Communist Party and Russian Federation are our top worldly adversaries.
    That means enemies for those of you in Rio Linda and downtown Salisbury!
    Nor do they point out the Democrats are usually in bed with them.
    Ya just gotta ask the main stream media, who’s your daddy!

  2. 12:51
    The enemy is inside the gates

    And always has been
    We were duped growing up

  3. Another doofus comment from a trump political hack. These folks are more worried about steoking the emperors ego than protecting america. Get a clue. If you are 1 of the millions of adults woth a 401k or who have a pension, you have investment dollars 1) going directly to chinese companies, 2) investing in US companies that are doing business in china and thus have tax revenue going to china, or 3) have a portfolio that likely includes chinese bonds that are funding their growth. This is common sense. And if the government took steps to divest they would kick off an even worse trade war with the amount of US debt the chinese hold.

  4. Once again money trumps morality. Just an extension of the military machine. Blood for oil.

  5. Anonymous said...

    Another doofus comment from a trump political hack. These folks are more worried about steoking the emperors ego than protecting america. Get a clue. If you are 1 of the millions of adults woth a 401k or who have a pension, you have investment dollars 1) going directly to chinese companies, 2) investing in US companies that are doing business in china and thus have tax revenue going to china, or 3) have a portfolio that likely includes chinese bonds that are funding their growth. This is common sense. And if the government took steps to divest they would kick off an even worse trade war with the amount of US debt the chinese hold.

    March 13, 2020 at 8:47 AM

    Everything you say is true and is the problem. Since the Clinton era when China was given a favored status for trade they have been abusing that status. They drove down costs putting businesses in other countries out of business. They lie to, cheat and steal from companies that do business with them. Most of our drugs or the raw materials that go into the manufacture of our medicines come out of China. (They undercut American companies to drive them out) China pollutes the environment they bulldoze reefs and islands to make military bases. In your comment you talk about protecting America. Selling the soul of America to China is not protecting America.

    1. The US abused Bretton Woods

      China does exactly what Israel tells it to do

    2. 1025 US Presidents have been warming to China since Nixon. Like it or not, world trade has kep us out of wwIII for over 50 years. I wamt jobs here in the US too. It takes you and I demanding only american made products to make that happen. Simply banning companies from making money off china outs the whole us economy at risk. In fact, the chinese have it right: 1) go after the best business ventures and reap the growth, 2) invest in infrastructure, 3) dont spend your capital on doofus wars or maintaining an overly burdensome military complex.

  6. 12:38

    So help me understand what you are saying. The Chinese have it right by using basically slave labor. They don't bother with regulations that burden us here in the US. Example EPA and OSHA to name a few. Our best business ventures are burdened with regulations upon regulations. For instance I work in a manufacturing business. To put up a new building it cost more for the permits and land prep due to meeting the criteria ( imposed upon us by the govt) than it cost for the building. Talk about infrastructure. Again China has very lax regulations. If they use the same materials they try to pawn off on us it has and will fail. Most people I know in my industry will not use crucial material from China due to its failure rate. Here in America putting in a new road or putting up a building takes months if not years due to bureaucracy. For an example take a look at the bullet train in California. What a waste of money that has been. As far as the military goes. I served for 4 years. We need a strong military period. If we are going to send young men and women off to protect the United States they must have the best equipment and tech money can buy. Having said that our military should go and destroy the enemy and not play police force afterwards. What leads to the drawn out wars like we have now is the politicians getting in the way. Politicians especially the Democrats want to look good for their globalist friends.


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