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Wednesday, March 25, 2020

We still need you

We still need you, and we really need you to make your appointments. For our donors, for our teams, for our community, for Delmarva. Schedule your appointment now: https://www.delmarvablood.org/give-blood/donor-center-locations-march-2020/?


  1. Why do they need blood this is a RESPIRATORY ISSUE.

    1. Most surgery's need blood not always it also has a shelf life. When people stop donating supplies run low and surgery can not be done. Has nothing to do with the virus directly

  2. There is a nation wide blood shortage because schools and businesses are closed. Most blood actually comes from schools and community blood drives. They were all canceled.

  3. In the past, they've turned away openly gay people while accepting donations from closeted gay men. That's ridiculous. And like the previous person pointed out, this is a RESPIRATORY crisis, and most surgeries have been cancelled.

    1. Stop 🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈

    2. JC at 12:27 p.m. already gave you the answer gay guy. And plus they test for HIV.

  4. I was always under the impression that Summer months have the biggest demand. Possibly there are getting reading for Summer.

  5. Those execs need new boats, summers almost here. Got to keep the flow going.

  6. Tired of them crying for donors. I was in the Life Savers Club and about 15 yrs ago that quit taking my blood for unknown reason. They still take my Wife's. I am totally straight guy never been gay or out of the country. So they can cry and I don't feel sorry for these clowns

  7. If I could stay conscious long enough to make a donation, I would, but that needle will make me pass out before they can get a pint. Have tried, just can't do it. As soon as the lights go out, they have to stop. It's required to stop when a donor loses consciousness.

  8. March 25, 2020 at 2:02 PM:

    The hospitals always need blood. Not everyone in a hospital is there for coronavirus. Do you have a brain? Trauma patients have not stopped going to the hospital after being seriously injured in automobile accidents, and emergency surgeries still have to be performed. Sure, elective surgeries that can wait have been canceled, but not all surgeries, and the emergency surgeries are the ones that most likely need blood. Come on, think! The same answer is for March 25, 2020 at 2:25 PM. He / she too doesn't understand the need for blood has nothing to do with coronavirus. Use your brains, or are you just looking for something to complain about while sitting at home (or at work) and bored?

  9. Hollyweird going through andrenochrome withdrawal...need that blood

  10. This is good, thanks for posting!!


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