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Sunday, March 22, 2020

WCSO Response To COVID 19 Pandemic

In response to the COVID 19 Pandemic, an unprecedented crisis affecting our nation, the Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office must modify the manner in which we respond to calls for service. By limiting a deputy’s exposure (and out of an abundance of caution) we have modified our procedures for responding to calls for service by closely monitoring our interaction with the public. Effective immediately, I have directed all Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office personnel to adhere to the below directive. It is by no means a stand down order. However, we are taking the necessary steps to keep you and your families as safe as possible. We continue to work very closely with our local, state and federal partners in addressing the fluidity of the situation.

Make no mistake about it, we will get through this together and we will be stronger and more resilient than ever. God bless you all, and thank you for your patience.




    1. 2:41 Read. . Traffic and road stops will continue if spotted by deputies.

  2. DAMN!!! So what you're basically saying is we're on our own to try to REASON with the unreasonable. Salisbury/wicomico county infested with some pretty "serious" gang members/dope dealers and with that FIENDS everywhere. Thanks Mike, for once in your life walk all that BS grandstanding you talk!!

  3. The girl from Kay's jewelry has been sent to John's Hopkins from prmc. The store is still closed until someone cleans it. Mall is still open and she is positive. If we send patients out does it not count?!

  4. I like horses. Since we’re sharing things that nobody cares about.

    1. Ponies. Ponies that fart rainbows and smile sunshine.

  5. Jake Day covering this shirt up too?? No crisis too big for day to get swept off of his resume

  6. @ 3:16

    NO one went to John's Hopkins at Kay's. Before posting information please make sure to get your facts straight. This is how you start rumors with inaccurate information.

    Get your facts straight.

    1. They might not have went to John Hopkins, but since you know so much would you like to elaborate why Kay's in the Salisbury Mall is closed?

  7. It’s about to get ugly.

  8. Jake Day? Covering up a shirt? Are you high? This makes zero sense. Better get back under your rock now.

  9. Joe, please post this! This is scary.


    HB650 – The State Government – Emergency Management – Governor Declarations Bill – Violates the Constitution and Citizens’ Fundamental Rights!

    HB650, the State Government – Emergency Management – Governor Declarations bill, is a broadly unprecedented and dangerous bill which would allow the following:
    Permanent seizure of any and all personal property, including homes and possessions, without due process or notice
    Executive authority to supersede local jurisdictions and require the cooperation of sheriffs, superintendents, etc. for any action deemed necessary Suspension of the effect of any statute, rule, or regulation of any agency of the state or of a jurisdiction that the Governor deems unnecessary or counter-productive
    Compulsory evacuation of all or part of the population from any emergency area, specifying the mode of transportation used to force-evacuate citizens (Current law allows for compelled evacuation but does not specify that the state may confiscate private vehicles)
    Compulsory evacuation of citizens from their homes during quarantine into a state-designated quarantine area
    Indefinite incremental extensions of the order: termination of the order would require a joint resolution from the House and Senate

    URGENT: PLEASE CONTACT YOUR STATE SENATOR AND MEMBERS OF THE Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs Committee TO OPPOSE HB650

    Copy and paste these email addresses and add to the BCC section of the email:
    jack.bailey@senate.state.md.us, marybeth.carozza@senate.state.md.us, arthur.ellis@senate.state.md.us, jason.gallion@senate.state.md.us, katiefry.hester@senate.state.md.us, cheryl.kagan@senate.state.md.us, clarence.lam@senate.state.md.us, obie.patterson@senate.state.md.us, paul.pinsky@senate.state.md.us, bryan.simonaire@senate.state.md.us, mary.washington@senate.state.md.us

    Call the offices of the Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs Committee members:
    Senator Phone
    Bailey, Jack 410-841-3673 | 301-858-3673
    Carozza, Mary Beth 410-841-3645 | 301-858-3645
    Ellis, Arthur 410-841-3616 | 301-858-3616
    Gallion, Jason C. 410-841-3603 | 301-858-3603
    Hester, Katie Fry 410-841-3671 | 301-858-3671
    Kagan, Cheryl C. 410-841-3134 | 301-858-3134
    Lam, Clarence K. 410-841-3653 | 301-858-3653
    Patterson, Obie 410-841-3092 | 301-858-3092
    Pinsky, Paul G. 410-841-3155 | 301-858-3155
    Simonaire, Bryan W. 410-841-3658 | 301-858-3658
    Washington, Mary 410-841-3145 | 301-858-3145

    Find your state senator to contact their office by phone and email
    Please spread the word! Let’s flood the offices of our senators with polite, respectful, forceful emails and phone calls. They need to hear our voices!

  10. Sheriff Shawty is a little show to respond to Covid-19

  11. Covering up sh*t 557
    Now go back under your rock

  12. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  13. I'm confused... why does our county and country literally have an individual education plan for every transgender student, "emotionally disturbed" student and any kid whose parents think they are special but we don't have a decent pandemic plan or supplies? This is social liberalism gone awry.

  14. PRMC Nurse tested positive and they are trying to cover it up!

  15. I say Dodd folds and they keep circling the drain.


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