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Thursday, March 26, 2020

Wake Up People & Let This Hit Home


  1. Only if they are in bad enough condition that would require hospitalization. A high percentage of cases in children are mild or not even noticed. Children are more carriers than victims, unless there are underlying health conditions. More likely, you'll be tasked a 14 day quarantine with your child, and you'll have to try to keep from getting it. If you want to write a scary meme like this, replace child with elderly relative.

  2. This is so many levels of horrible I can't even fathom. My heart aches for anyone enduring this.

  3. And they will die all alone with no one to hold their little hand as they pass from this world; with fear and loneliness in their little tear soaked eyes.

    Stay Home! Wash yours and their hands!

  4. Martial law!!! this is what it is!!!

  5. Taking children and their healthcare from Parents. Another repeat of History. Remember Nazi Germany and Russia. It is called COMMUNISM.

  6. #1 - "You're"
    #2 - Why would you send your child to a hospital for a cold? *eye roll*

  7. @9:06am

    Because this whole fiasco is the media trying to overstate the severity of this virus. They are playing on fears and circumstance to feed their power grab. This bad cold / mild flu is not that bad. It is like any other flu season. If you watch Ben Shipero's similar analysis of the abortion debate (the left making the "worst case scenario" seem like an everyday occurrence), you'll understand what I mean.

  8. Hey , that is Socialism All you that vote for Bernie don't wine now !!!

  9. Going to be many a mom making the hard choice like that movie "Sofie's Choice". Only it will be; do I let my child die alone or keep her with me to die together.


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