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Thursday, March 26, 2020

Trump’s Daily Briefings Are Getting Huge Ratings — And Leftists Hate Them

The ratings for President Trump’s daily briefing are soaring, and leftists are getting apoplectic.

The New York Times reluctantly admitted on Wednesday that the president’s daily coronavirus updates are garnering an average audience of 8.5 million on cable news, adding, “roughly the viewership of the season finale of ‘The Bachelor.’”

Then, of course, the attack on Trump while acknowledging he’s reaching a tremendous audience: “And the audience is expanding even as Mr. Trump has repeatedly delivered information that doctors and public health officials have called ill informed, misleading or downright wrong.”

The Times quoted uber-left MSNBC commentator Rachel Maddow stating, “I would stop putting those briefings on live TV — not out of spite, but because it’s misinformation,” as well as former ABC anchor Ted Koppel sniping, “Training a camera on a live event, and just letting it play out, is technology, not journalism; journalism requires editing and context.



  1. #1 This is NOT a reality tv show. What the hell is wrong with this author. People of course are tuning in. I would think anytime any POTUS is on TV during a National Emergency, one would expect people to tune in.

    #2 I'm no liberal, but I can clearly see why many people are upset. The health officials and professionals are doing a great job and delivering spot on information. But clearly Trump uses this time to continue to be an immature blowhard who spreads false information and devolves the discussion to petty insults and tantrums.

  2. Suck it up radical left weenies. You are facing a long GOP incumbency.

  3. Mr.President you are doing a tremendous job under immense pressure.. God Bless You and the USA!!

  4. I voted for President Trump.
    That said, he needs to condense these briefings to 15 minutes. Deliver a quick fact based update and LEAVE.

  5. I refuse to watch these so called briefings any longer.
    1.) They do nothing for senior citizens, and this bill just passed proved it
    2.) all he's worried about is the stock market and reelction.
    3.) It was all alot of him patting himself on the back.
    All nauseating.

  6. Well, We Americans HATE Leftist & time to get RID of them ALL 2020 !!!

  7. Trump = Real Leader for a change !!! Landslide Win 2020 !!!!

  8. They call it the "bully pulpit" for a reason, and Trump is smart enough to use it to address the issues important to the American people. Of course the left hates it.

  9. Ted Koppel's brain has stopped working, just like ol' Slow Joe..... At least Ted's brain used to work.


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