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Friday, March 13, 2020

Trump says he's 'not concerned' that Brazilian official he met with tested positive for coronavirus

President Donald Trump on Thursday did not respond to multiple shouted questions in the Oval Office about whether he would get tested for coronavirus after reports a Brazilian official he met last weekend had tested positive.

But he did say he is "not concerned" as he awaits an update on the test results from Brazil concerning a press aide to Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro who who attended a dinner with Trump at his Florida resort.

“I did hear something about that," Trump said when asked about Bolsonaro himself being tested.



  1. Recently, the President chose to block states from using Medicaid to to respond to the Covid-19 crisis. What this does is make it harder for states to obtain funding to get poorer citizens testing or treatment if they are sick or exposed. This increases the chances of them spreading the disease especially if they need to report to work for financial reasons or because they have no sick leave. In the past our government has worked together to loosen these rules to help provide aide (see 9/11, Katrina, H1N1). Our current Administration also severely cut the US Pandemic team in 2018 as part of budget cuts. So the executive branch team responsible for coordinating a response to a pandemic was axed and not replaced. Thus, here we are. We do not have enough test kits nor do people know where to go for testing should they experience symptoms. We are overloading our hospitals with people who never should have been infected in the first place.

    The hysteria is centered around the US's piss poor response to Covid-19. The sad reality is many of the deaths occurring in the elderly and immunocompromised may have/be prevented with a more proactive response. $ > people, once again. We have hundreds of millions available for golf outings however. Just my .02 as someone who works in healthcare. Interested to see how others feel about the response.

  2. good points 10:09. Unfortunate.

  3. Good thing is he probably never touches his face or the fake tan would smear

  4. Oh for Pete sake, give it a break. Everything to you liberals is Trumps fault, go wash your hands, stay out of crowds and chill.

  5. Hes a stable genius. Invincible

  6. Joe Biden can't find his way home. please help him

  7. 10:09 Get your facts straight or don't comment For someone claiming to "work in healthcare" you are grossly uninformed and it's a shame esp if you are repeating what amounts to nonsense. Now let me school you since you are in dire need of it. What is happening is people not one bit ill are showing up to dr's offices, ER's etc and demanding to be testing and/or are sick but symptoms presented do not point to CV. No Medicaid should not pay for that nor should any insurance. If you are so concerned then by all means you PAY for what amounts to hypochondriacs wanting to be tested And again do NOT get on here or anywhere else and spread what amounts to nonsense. Someone claiming to work in healthcare should know better!

  8. 11:38 Whoever it is claiming what they did and most likely lying and saying they work in healthcare is an ignoramus. The last thing anyone needs are ignorant liars saying they are in healthcare and spreading lies.


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