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Sunday, March 22, 2020

Trump says coronavirus crisis could last until July or August

Washington — President Trump said the coronavirus outbreak could last into the summer, perhaps as long as August, an indication that the widespread nationwide slowdown in response to the virus is just beginning. Mr. Trump also didn't rule out further quarantines or curfews in the future, as he rolled out new 15-day guidelines for everyday American life.

"They think August, it could be July," he said at a press briefing Monday, referring to members of the White House task force. "Could be longer than that. But I've asked that question many, many times."

Mr. Trump also admitted that the country "may be" entering a recession, as financial markets closed out one their worst days in history while the president and his team spoke. The president issued new guidelines for how the country can slow the spread of the virus, suggesting bars and restaurants close in states with evidence of community transition and calling on governors to close schools in areas with evidence of its spread.



  1. This was a bio attack

    1. Done by DEMOCRATS with the HELP of the DEMOCRATS ..... FACT.

    2. China owns the Democrats

  2. Deep states last ditch effort to save themselves.

  3. And last week he said he had a "hunch" this was nothing... And for that matter he could of been a doctor. He might know something about trade, but boy does he fall short in the face of a true crisis. Wish he would back off and let the experts take over, that's what they are there for.

    1. He doesnt even know anything about trade seeming as tariffs cost us in profits and extra funds for subsidies + mexico never paid a dime for that wall

  4. At the risk of conspiracy theory 6:36 PM you may not be far wrong.

  5. 6:36 would explain how countries are reacting.

  6. Follow the money! Big pharma OWNS the Democratic party.

  7. Recession time boys and girls

  8. Recession time boys and girls

  9. The virus is great cover for a financial reset

    Black Swan Event

  10. And another bunch of idiots get diplomas for not doing nothing since there is no school. This is how the Democratic party keeps it rolls full.

  11. I think our President is doing a great job. He will bring this country back again - no doubt in my mind. A new beginning for MAGA🇺🇸

  12. Incorrect..the new laws ..2 weeks and over ...his words ! ( Latest implemented)

    1. The sky is falling 😥😥😥

  13. At 8:58 a.m., no Trump did not say that. Now who is the idiot. I think you need to look in the mirror :-)

  14. 8:58 you are a fool

  15. I am 1023 and I endorse this statement - this country has never been better off thanks to Trump. Do you really think anyone else could handle this virus situation any better. President Trump used words that did not cause panic. Nancy and others started this panic. President Trump kept his campaign promises because he care about the American people. How dare you critize everything he is doing to control the panic and the economy. When this is over you will be praising President Trump for his actions. MAGA🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

  16. Could last Until Pelosi & her Demons figure out another Way to
    Get Rid of Trump before the Landslide WIN in 2020 !!!!

    They & China (their Alley) are behind this virus , No Doubt !!!


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