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Thursday, March 19, 2020

Trump: All evictions and foreclosures will be temporarily suspended

President Trump announced that the federal government would suspend both evictions and foreclosures as the coronavirus pandemic continues to worsen.

The suspension will last until the end of April, the president explained at Wednesday's daily coronavirus press briefing.

"Today, I'm also announcing that the Department of Housing and Urban Development is providing immediate relief to renters and homeowners by suspending all foreclosures and evictions until the end of April," the president said. "So we're working very closely with Dr. Ben Carson and everybody from HUD.



  1. More welfare delays.

  2. Everyone will quit paying their rent, even if they can...........

  3. You are correct. I was always taught that you can give the poor people all the money in the world and the rich people will get it back. They will take their stimulus checks, if we get them and blow it. People need to learn financial responsibility.

  4. It doesn't say people will be relieved of paying rent. Just that they can't get kicked out until May. Big deal. Keeps more homeless off the street.

  5. Seems like it should be a decision made by the landlord.

    We used to be free


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