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Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Tonight at 7 p.m., Governor Hogan will be taking part in a Fox 5 DC virtual town hall special on the COVID-19 pandemic


  1. BOSS HOG !!! se ya then

  2. Larry has consulted Pedophile Joe and will also be taking hints from Moe and Curly on what to do. Shemp may weigh in at the end.

  3. Ha ha ha funny funny 7:00 !!!

  4. Has he announced his presidential bid yet? I haven’t been able to keep up with all his tv appearances.

  5. He still FAR better than previous MD Governors !!! FACT

  6. He just cant stop being in front of the Camera! Now Twice a day!! UGH! This morning's report could have just been handled by the superintendent of schools. We didn't need the timeline, hell we have lived it!

  7. They keep advertising this like a television show. If he has an announcement, just say it. Don't wait, don't advertise, do it!


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